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For each record, the system identifies which of the imported trials require acknowledgement (in the Acknowledgement [Ack.] Pending? column) and which trials have been acknowledged (in the Ack. Performed? column). The system also indicates the type of acknowledgement (either Administrative, Scientific, or Admin and Scientific) pending or performed. 

The first figure below shows a trial that has been updated and now requires Scientific acknowledgement. Admin acknowledgement already has been performed.

The second figure below shows the same trial after Scientific acknowledgement was performed.

Updated trial that requires Scientific acknowledgement on Import Logs page

Trial after Scientific acknowledgement was performed on Import Logs page


The values in the Pending and Performed columns apply to any record in the import log for a given trial. For an example of log detail records, see the log details figure.

Values for the Ack. Pending? column are as follows:

  • No. There are no records in the import log for a given trial that require acknowledgement.
  • Admin. At least one record in the import log for a given trial requires Admin acknowledgement.
  • Scientific. At least one record in the import log for a given trial requires Scientific acknowledgement.
  • Admin & Scientific. At least one record in the import log for a given trial requires both Admin and Scientific acknowledgement.

Valid values for the Ack. Performed? column are as follows:

  • No. None of the records in the import log for a given trial that requires acknowledgement has been acknowledged.
  • Admin. At least one record in the import log for a given trial that requires Admin acknowledgement has been acknowledged.
  • Scientific. At least one record in the import log for a given trial that requires Scientific acknowledgement has been acknowledged.
  • Admin & Scientific. At least one record in the import log for a given trial that requires Admin acknowledgement has been acknowledged, and, at least one record in the import log for a given trial that requires Scientific acknowledgement has been acknowledged. Admin and Scientific acknowledgement may have been performed on the same record or multiple records.

Trials that require acknowledgement pertain to trials that have updates to one or more of the following fields: 

  • Brief Title
  • Official Title
  • Brief Summary
  • Detailed Description
  • Keywords
  • Eligibility Criteria
  • Arms
  • Sponsor  
  • Collaborators