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The Trials Needing Verification page, which is accessed by selecting the Trials to Verify menu. The Trials Needing Verification displays a list of all studies where the logged in user is the Trial Owner and the studies are either within 30 days of their Record Verification Date, or the Record Verification Date is overdue. The NCI requests that trial owners verify their trial records in CTRP every 6 months to ensure that the trial information is accurate and up to date.

Accessing the Trials Needing Verification page:

  1. Select the Trials to Verify menu on the toolbar to access the Trials Needing Verification page. 
  2. The Trials to Verify/Trials Needing Verification page displays the following information.

    The Trial Data Verification page appears.
    Trial Data Verification page with verification recorded by CTRO staff

    An asterisk ( * ) at the end of a trial title indicates that the trial has alternate titles.

    Trial Data Verification page showing alternate title indicator

  2. To view the alternate titles, click the asterisk ( * )

    Trial Alternate Titles list

  • No labels