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Valid dates for a given trial status depend on the other values you have entered, and whether those dates are Actual or Anticipated. The following table illustrates these rules:

Study StatusStart Date TypePrimary Completion Date TypeCompletion Date Type
  • In Review
  • Approved
  • Withdrawn
  • Active
  • Enrolling by Invitation
Can be Actual or Anticipated.Can be Actual or Anticipated.Must be Anticipated.
  • Temporarily Closed to Accrual
  • Temporarily Closed to Accrual and Intervention
  • Closed to Accrual
  • Closed to Accrual and Intervention
Must be Actual.Can be Actual or Anticipated.Can be Actual or Anticipated.
  • Complete
  • Administratively Complete
Must be Actual.Must be Actual.Can be Actual or Anticipated.*

The general rules for Study Date types are as follows:

  • If the date is in the past, the type must be Actual.
  • If the date is today, the type could be Actual or Anticipated.
  • If the date is in the future, the type must always be Anticipated.
  • If the study status is either Complete or Administratively Complete, the Completion Date is expected to be Actual.

The general rules for Study Date values are as follows:

  • The Study Start Date can be in the past, present, or future.
  • The Primary Completion Date is always the same as, or later than, the Study Start Date.

  • If the Primary Completion Date is Actual, it can be earlier than the Current Study Status Dates for Complete or Administratively Complete statuses.

  • The Completion Date is always the same as, or later than, the Primary Completion Date.

*CTRP expects that the Completion Date will be Actual when the Current Study Status is Complete or Administratively Complete, but the system allows either an Actual or Anticipated value.