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CTEP IDs associated with a Research Organization or Healthcare Facility

If the organization has a CTEP ID associated with a Research Organization or Healthcare Facility role, you can not change the curation status.

The curation status you select for a record affects the way in which the CTRP displays and stores it, as follows:

  • Nullified – Record is merged into another record. Record remains in the CTRP database, but is no longer displayed. All trial records, accrual (if any), and structural roles are transferred to the organization into which the record was merged.

    You can not nullify an organization that has been assigned a structural role owned by CTEP-ECM (Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program-Enterprise Core Model). However, you can nullify an organization with a CTEP ID if the CTEP ID is Inactive.

  • Active – Record is accurate and complete. Record is displayed in the Inbox.

    If the P/O Curation Portal receives a request for a change in the record, it displays the record in the Inbox marked as “Change Request.”

    The system assigns this status automatically to CTEP organizations. Therefore there are no change requests for organizations with CTEP IDs.

  • Inactive – Record is no longer valid. Or, an entity role or relationship is no longer valid.

    You can not inactivate a CTEP organization.

  • Pending – Record is inaccurate or incomplete. Record is displayed in the Inbox unless it is curated.

How to Change the Curation Status

  1. In the Basic Identifying Information section, select the current status from the New Status drop-down list.

    When you nullify an organization, the system ends all active family organization relationships as well.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.