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Trial records returned from "Search Saved Drafts" display the following details and actions you can take for each trial when applicable:

Temporary Trial IdentifierThe unique identifier that the system assigned to the saved draft

The official name of the protocol provided by the study principal investigator or sponsor (as it appears in the protocol document).

Lead Organization

The name of the organization responsible for the trial's research protocol, and responsible for the overall scientific and administrative coordination, study monitoring, and data management activities of the trial.

Lead Organization Trial Identifier

The unique ID assigned to the trial by the sponsoring organization, usually an accession number or a variation of a grant number. Multiple studies conducted under the same grant must each have a unique number.


Actions that are applicable to the draft trial:

    • Complete - Link to initiate trial record completion
    • Delete - Link to initiate trial deletion

Trial ownership and current processing status determine which of the trial details and actions listed above are displayed in the Search Results table. Refer to Trial Processing Statuses.

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