CTRP allows you to specify the funding mechanism for a trial as a unique three-character code. NIH assigns one of these codes to each area of extramural research activity. This code identifies the funding mechanism of a grant on a trial. The following table provides the name for each code, and additional information can be found on the following website: NIH Grants and Funding
Funding Mechanism Code | Funding Mechanism Name |
B01 | Preventive Health Services |
B08 | Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant |
B09 | Mental Health Services Block Grant |
C06 | Research Facilities Construction Grant |
D43 | International Training Grants in Epidemiology |
D71 | International Training Program Planning Grant |
DP1 | NIH Director's Pioneer Award (NDPA) |
DP2 | NIH Director's New Innovator Awards |
DP3 | Type 1 Diabetes Targeted Research Award |
E11 | Grants for Public Health Special Projects |
F05 | International Research Fellowships (FIC) |
F30 | Individual Predoctoral NRSA for M.D./Ph.D. Fellowships (ADAMHA) |
F31 | Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award |
F32 | Postdoctoral Individual National Research Service Award |
F33 | National Research Service Awards for Senior Fellows |
F34 | MARC (NRSA) Faculty Fellowships |
F37 | Medical Informatics Fellowships |
F38 | Applied Medical Informatics Fellowships |
G07 | Resources Improvement Grant |
G08 | Resources Project Grant (NLM) |
G11 | Extramural Associate Research Development Award (EARDA) |
G12 | Research Centers in Minority Institutions Award |
G13 | Health Sciences Publication Support Awards (NLM) |
G20 | Grants for Repair, Renovation and Modernization of Existing Research Facilities (NCRR) |
G94 | Administrative Support for Public Health Service Agency Foundations |
H13 | Conferences |
H23 | Immunization Program |
H25 | Venereal Disease Control |
H28 | State and Community-Based Injury Control Programs |
H50 | Maternal and Child Health Services Project, RB Funds |
H57 | Indian Health Service Loan Repayment Program |
H62 | Services or Education on AIDS |
H64 | State and Community-Based Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program |
H75 | Health Investigations/Assessments of Control/Preven. Methods |
H79 | Mental Health and/or Substance Abuse Services Grants |
HD4 | Drug Use/Alcohol Abuse Prevention Demo: Community Partnership Study |
HR1 | State Mental Health and Substance Abuse Data Resource Projects |
HS5 | Child Mental Health Services Initiative: Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children and Adolescents with Serious Emotional Disturbances |
I01 | Non-DHHS Research Projects |
K01 | Research Scientist Development Award - Research & Training |
K02 | Research Scientist Development Award - Research |
K05 | Research Scientist Award |
K06 | Research Career Awards |
K07 | Academic/Teacher Award (ATA) |
K08 | Clinical Investigator Award (CIA) |
K12 | Physician Scientist Award (Program) (PSA) |
K14 | Minority School Faculty Development Awards |
K18 | The Career Enhancement Award |
K21 | Scientist Development Award |
K22 | Career Transition Award |
K23 | Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Award |
K24 | Midcareer Investigator Award in Patient-Oriented Research |
K25 | Mentored Quantitative Research Career Development Award |
K26 | Midcareer Investigator Award in Biomedical and Behavioral Research |
K30 | Clinical Research Curriculum Award (CRCA) |
K99 | Career Transition Award |
KD1 | Mental Health and/or Substance Abuse KD&A Grants |
KL1 | Linked Research Career Development Award |
KL2 | Mentored Career Development Award |
KM1 | Institutional Career Enhancement Awards - Multi-Yr Funding |
L30 | Loan Repayment Program for Clinical Researchers |
L32 | Loan Repayment Program for Clinical Researchers from Disadvantaged Backgrounds |
L40 | Loan Repayment Program for Pediatric Research |
L50 | Loan Repayment Program for Contraception and Infertility Research |
L60 | Loan Repayment Program for Health Disparities Research |
M01 | General Clinical Research Centers Program |
N01 | Research and Development Contracts |
N02 | Resource and Support Contracts - Awarded in the ICD |
N03 | Station Support Contracts - Awarded by the Division of Procurement |
N43 | Small Business Innovation Research - Phase I (Contract) |
N44 | Small Business Innovation Research - Phase II (Contract) |
P01 | Research Program Projects |
P20 | Exploratory Grants |
P30 | Center Core Grants |
P40 | Animal (Mammalian and Nonmammalian) Model, and Animal and Biological Material Resource Grants (NCRR) |
P41 | Biotechnology Resource Grants |
P42 | Hazardous Substances Basic Research Grants Program (NIEHS) |
P50 | Specialized Center |
P51 | Primate Research Center Grants (NCRR) |
P60 | Comprehensive Center |
P76 | Projects to Design and implement Health Exhibits/Materials for Public Education |
PL1 | Linked Center Core Grant |
PN1 | Concept Development Award |
PN2 | Research Development Center |
R00 | Research Transition Award |
R01 | Research Project |
R03 | Small Research Grants |
R04 | Anthrop. Fellow Res. Support (old |
R06 | Translations |
R08 | Development of Innovative Technology for Measurement of Lead |
R13 | Conference |
R15 | Academic Research Enhancement Awards (AREA) |
R17 | Mental Health Career Investigator Grants Active |
R18 | Research Demonstration and Dissemination Projects |
R21 | Exploratory/Developmental Grants |
R24 | Resource-Related Research Projects |
R25 | Education Projects |
R30 | Preventive Health Service - Venereal Disease Research, Demonstration, and Public Information and Education Grants |
R33 | Exploratory/Developmental Grants Phase II |
R34 | Clinical Trial Planning Grant |
R36 | Dissertation Award |
R37 | Method to Extend Research in Time (MERIT) Award |
R41 | Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grants - Phase I |
R42 | Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grants - Phase II |
R43 | Small Business Innovation Research Grants (SBIR) - Phase I |
R44 | Small Business Innovation Research Grants (SBIR) - Phase II |
R49 | Injury Control Research and Demonstration Projects and Injury Prevention Research Centers |
R55 | James A. Shannon Director's Award |
R56 | High Priority, Short Term Project Award |
R90 | Interdisciplinary Regular Research Training Award |
RC1 | NIH Challenge Grants and Partnerships Program |
RC2 | High Impact Research and Research Infrastructure Programs |
RC3 | Biomedical Research, Development, and Growth to Spur the Acceleration of New Technologies (BRDG-SPAN) Program |
RC4 | High Impact Research and Research Infrastructure Programs Multi Year Funding |
RL1 | Linked Research project Grant |
RL2 | Linked Exploratory/Development Grant |
RL5 | Linked Education Project |
RL9 | Linked Research Training Award |
RS1 | Programs to Prevent the Emergence and Spread of Antimicrobial Resistance in the United States |
S06 | Minority Biomedical Research Support - MBRS |
S10 | Biomedical Research Support Shared Instrumentation Grants (NCRR) |
S11 | Minority Biomedical Research Support Thematic Project Grants |
S21 | Research and Institutional Resources Health Disparities Endowment Grants -Capacity Building |
S22 | Research and Student Resources Health Disparities Endowment Grants - Educational Programs |
SC1 | Research Enhancement Award |
SC2 | Pilot Research Project |
SC3 | Research Continuance Award |
T01 | Graduate Training Program |
T02 | Undergraduate Training Program |
T03 | Combined Undergraduate and Graduate Training Program |
T06 | Minority Supplements to Clinical Training Grants |
T09 | Scientific Evaluation |
T14 | Conferences |
T15 | Continuing Education Training Grants |
T32 | Institutional National Research Service Award |
T34 | MARC Undergraduate NRSA Institutional Grants |
T35 | NRSA Short -Term Research Training |
T36 | MARC Ancillary Training Activities (Grant) (NIGMS) <Title Revised> |
T37 | Minority International Research Training Grants (FIC) |
T42 | Educational Resource Center Training Grants |
T90 | Interdisciplinary Research Training Award |
TL1 | Linked Training Award |
TU2 | Institutional National Research Service Award with Involvement of NIH Intramural Faculty |
U01 | Research Project--Cooperative Agreements |
U09 | Scientific Review and Evaluation--Cooperative Agreements |
U10 | Cooperative Clinical Research--Cooperative Agreements |
U11 | Study (in China) of Periconceptional Vitamin Supplements to Prevent Spina Bifida and Anencephaly Cooperative Agreements |
U13 | Conference--Cooperative Agreements |
U14 | Public Health Leadership Institute Cooperative Agreement |
U17 | Applied Methods in Violence-Related or Accidental Injury Surveillance Cooperative Agreements |
U18 | Research Demonstration--Cooperative Agreements |
U19 | Research Program--Cooperative Agreements |
U1A | Capacity Building for Core Components of Tobacco Prevention and Control Programs Cooperative Agreements |
U1Q | Emergency Disaster Relief Relating to CDC Programs Cooperative Agreement |
U1S | Emergency Disaster Relief Relating to SAMHSA Programs Cooperative Agreements |
U1T | Violence Prevention Training for Minority Medical Students Cooperative Agreement |
U1V | Capacity Building for Core Components of Tobacco Prevention and Control Programs Cooperative Agreements |
U21 | Immunization Service for Racial and Ethnic Minorities, Cooperative Agreements |
U22 | HIV/STD Preventive Services for Racial and Minorities |
U23 | TB Prevention and Control Services for Racial and Ethnic Minorities Cooperative Agreements |
U24 | Resource-Related Research Related Cooperative Agreements |
U27 | Surveillance of Complications of Hemophilia Cooperative Agreements |
U2G | Global HIV/AIDS Non-Research Cooperative Agreements |
U2R | International Training Cooperative Agreement |
U30 | Prev. Health Services: Venereal Disease Research, Demonstration, and Public Information and Education Projects |
U32 | State-based Diabetes Control Programs |
U34 | Clinical Planning Grant Cooperative Agreement |
U36 | Program Improvements for Schools of Public Health |
U38 | Uniform National Health Program Reporting System |
U41 | Biotechnology Resource Cooperative Agreements |
U42 | Animal (Mammalian and Nonmammalian) Model, and Animal and Biological Materials Resource Cooperative Agreements (NCRR) |
U43 | Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Cooperative Agreements - Phase I |
U44 | Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Cooperative Agreements - Phase II |
U45 | Hazardous Waste Worker Health and Safety Training Cooperative Agreements (NIEHS) |
U47 | Laboratory/Other Diagnostic Medical Quality Improvement Cooperative Agreements |
U48 | Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research Centers |
U49 | Coop: Injury Control Res. and Demo and Injury Prevention |
U50 | Special Cooperative Investigations/Assessment of Control/Prevention Methods |
U51 | Health Planning Strategies/National Academy of Sciences Activities |
U52 | Cooperative Agreement for Tuberculosis Control |
U53 | Capacity Bldg: Occupational Safety/Community Environmental Health |
U54 | Specialized Center--Cooperative Agreements |
U55 | Core Support For American Council on Transplantation Active |
U56 | Exploratory Grants--Cooperative Agreements |
U57 | State-Based Comprehensive Breast/Cervical Cancer Control Program Cooperative Agreements |
U58 | Chronic Disease Control Cooperative Agreement |
U59 | Disabilities Prevention Cooperative Agreement Program |
U60 | Cooperative Agreements in Occupational Safety and Health Research, Demonstrations, Evaluation and Education Research, Demonstrations, Evaluation and Education |
U61 | Preventive Health Activities Regarding Hazardous Substances |
U62 | Prevention/Surveillance Activities/Studies of AIDS |
U65 | Minority/Other Community-based HIV Prevention Project, Cooperative Agreements |
U66 | Immunization Demonstration Projects Cooperative Agreements |
U75 | National Cancer Registries Cooperative Agreements |
U79 | Mental Health and/or Substance Abuse Services Cooperative Agreements |
U81 | Injury Community Demonstration Projects: Evaluation of Youth Violence Prevention Program |
U82 | Enhancement of State and Local Capacity to Assess the Progress toward Healthy People 2010 Objectives |
U83 | Research to Advance the Understanding of the Health of Racial and Ethnic Populations or Subpopulations Cooperative Agreements |
U84 | Cooperative Agreements for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Prevention Research Programs |
U87 | State Demonstration: Comprehensive School Health Program to Prevent Sexual Behaviors that Result in HIV Infection and to Improve Educati onal Outcome Cooperative Agreements |
U88 | Services Demonstration Cooperative Agreements |
U90 | Cooperative Agreements for Special Projects of National Significance (SPNS) |
UA1 | AIDS Research Project Cooperative Agreement |
UC1 | NIH Challenge Grants and Partnerships Program - Phase II-Coop.Agreement |
UC2 | High Impact Research and Research Infrastructure Cooperative Agreement Programs |
UC3 | Biomedical Research, Development, and Growth to Spur the Acceleration of New Technologies (BRDG-SPAN) Cooperative Agreement Program |
UC6 | Construction Cooperative Agreement |
UC7 | National Biocontainment Laboratory Operation Cooperative Agreement |
UD1 | Mental Health and/or Substance Abuse KD&A Cooperative Agreements |
UE1 | Studies of Environmental Hazards and Health Effects |
UE2 | Emergency and Environmental Health Services |
UG3 | Phase 1 Exploratory/Developmental Cooperative Agreement |
UH1 | HBCU Research Scientist Award |
UH2 | Exploratory/Developmental Cooperative Agreement Phase I |
UH3 | Exploratory/Developmental Cooperative Agreement Phase II |
UL1 | Linked Specialized Center Cooperative Agreement |
UR1 | Cooperative Agreements for Resources and Technical Assistance Projects to Support Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services |
UR3 | School Health: Findings from Evaluated Programs Cooperative Agreements |
UR6 | Prevention Intervention Research on Substance Abuse in Children Cooperative Agreements |
UR8 | Applied Research in Emerging Infections-(including Tick-borne Diseases) Cooperative Agreements |
US3 | Hantaviral Reservoir Studies Cooperative Agreements |
US4 | Community-Based Primary Prevention Programs: Intimate Partner Violence Cooperative Agreements |
UT1 | Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) – Cooperative Agreements - Phase I |
UT2 | Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) – Cooperative Agreements - Phase II |
VF1 | Rape Prevention and Education Grants |
X01 | Resource Access Award |
X02 | Preapplication |
X06 | Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness |
X98 | Protection and Advocacy for Mentally Ill Individuals |
Y01 | NIH Inter-Agency Agreements |
Y02 | NIH Intra-Agency Agreements |
Z01 | Intramural Research |
Z02 | Intramural Research Resources |
Z1A | Investigator-Initiated Intramural Research Projects |