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This page provides an overview of the changes in CTRP. For any questions or issues regarding these feature enhancements, please contact the CTRO (

June 2021

Transition to the NCIs multi-factor authentication system, Okta: Your CTRP username is now your institutional email address.

Migration of CTRP user accounts to Okta. Okta multi-factor authentication is used to provide additional security beyond just entering a username and password. Each Okta account requires the configuration of at least one of the following methods:

  • Okta Verify: Use a 'Push Notification' sent to the Okta app on the users mobile device.
  • SMS Authentication: Enter a single-use code sent to the users mobile device.
  • Voice Call Authentication - Phone call authentication by following voice instructions.

New CTRP login page

For additional information about creating and setting up an Okta account, please visit these CTRP User Guide pages:

Creating a CTRP Account

CTRP Okta Account Setup

March 2021

Updates to the Data Table 4 (DT4) Anatomic Site values displayed on the CTRP-generated DT4 report:

Previous DT4 Anatomic Site Value 

Updated DT4 Anatomic Site Value 

Leukemia, not otherwise specified

Leukemia, other

Breast – Female


Breast – Male


Hodgkin's Lymphoma

Hodgkin Lymphoma

Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

Soft Tissue / Sarcoma

Soft Tissue

Note:  For trials with numerous “Primary Sites” (DT4 Anatomic Sites), the value “Multiple” for the DT4 Anatomic Site Code will be used and displayed on the CTRP-generated DT4 report.  All existing trials in CTRP have been updated to reflect this change as well.

For a complete list of DT4 anatomic site values displayed on the CTRP-generated DT4 report, please visit this CTRP User Guide page:

Removal of the following fields from the Trial Summary Report (TSR):

  • Keywords
  • Program Code in the Data Table 4 Section
  • Target Accrual in the Participating Sites Section
  • Reporting Data Set Method

September 2020

CTRP Trial Record VerificationImproved the user experience for CTRP trial owners, trial submitters and site administrators with Verifying, Updating and/or Amending their trial records. Key highlights from this enhancement include:

  1. New page highlighting all Trials Needing Verification

  2. Ability to view all trial details on the Verify screen
  3. Simplified workflow allowing users to Verify, Update or Amend trials within same form
  4. New monthly email notification for alerting trial owners, trial submitters,
    and site administrators of Trials Needing Verification

For more information on the CTRP Trial Record Verification processes, please visit these CTRP User Guide pages:

July 2020

Flexible Accrual: Enhanced the CTRP accrual reporting capabilities to include more “Flexible Accrual” reporting options.  Centers can now request to update the default accrual reporting type on a study registered in CTRP.  Changing the default accrual reporting type requires a ticket to be submitted to the CTRO ( for review and approval, before any change is granted.

  1. The current default accrual reporting types are as follows:

    Trial Type

    Default Accrual Reporting Type

    Complete Interventional


    Complete Non-Interventional


    Abbreviated/Imported Interventional


    Abbreviated/Imported Non-Interventional


  2. CTRP is also introducing a new accrual reporting type, “Partial Subject.”  Partial Subject accrual requires the reporting of Study Subject ID, Registration Date and Participating Site data only.  The other accrual data fields are optional.  The reporting of Partial Subject accrual also requires a ticket to be submitted to the CTRO ( for review and approval, before any change is granted.
  3. Accrual Data Element changes:
    1. Study Subject Birth Date: For any/all ways to report accrual, only the month and year (MM/YYYY) are required to be collected.
    2. Study Subject Country: Required for all methods of reporting accrual (was previously optional)
    3. Disease:
      1. Study Subject: Required
      2. Partial Subject: Not required. However, for ICD-O-3 Disease Codes if Disease is reported, then Site must be reported.
    4. Site
      1. Study Subject: Required
      2. Partial Subject: Not required. However, for ICD-O-3 Disease Codes if Site is reported, then Disease must be reported.
    5. Disease Codes: CTRP uses a hybrid model with the codes from IACR and the codes in NCI SEER that are not available in IACR.

For more information on the CTRP Accrual process, including Flexible Accrual, Partial Subject accrual and other changes made within the Accrual application (e.g., ability to Delete All Trial Study Subjects,) please visit these CTRP User Guide pages:

If you would like to receive future CTRP announcements you may add yourself to the list here:

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