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You can view the details of each disease/condition linked to a trial, super- and sub-concepts, and parent/child (vertical) hierarchical relationships. When merely viewing trial data, trial checkout is optional.

How to View Disease/Condition Details

  1. Search for the trial of interest. For instructions, refer to Searching for Trials in PA.

  2. In the search results, click the NCI Trial Identifier link for that trial. The Trial Identification page appears.

  3. On the Scientific Data menu, click Disease/Condition. The Trial Disease/Condition page appears.

  4. In the View Details column for a given record, click the View icon. The Disease/Condition Details window appears, displaying the following details about each disease or condition:
    Disease and condition data definitions

    Column Name


    Preferred Name

    Standard name. Word or phrase that the NCIt uses by preference to refer to each disease/condition. NCIt is the NCI Enterprise Vocabulary Service's (EVS) NCI Thesaurus.


    NCIt unique identifier (code) assigned to each disease/condition.

    NCI Thesaurus Concept ID

    A concept unique identifier in the NCIt.

    Display Name

    The name that is used in the “reported” diseases domain. Some diseases are reported and therefore are included in the “reported” disease hierarchy. Others are too specific to report and are not included in the “reported” disease domain.

    The name of a “reported” disease in the domain can differ from the preferred name.

    Other names

    Synonyms of the preferred name.


    Concepts in the hierarchy above the disease/condition concept. Also known as “parents”. Each super-concept may have its own parent concept.


    Concepts in the hierarchy below the disease/condition concept. Also known as “children”. Each sub-concept may have its own child concept.

  5. When you have finished viewing the details, click Close.
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