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The Investigations list shows details associated with the investigations that match your pie chart selections. For example, consider the pie charts in the following screenshot:

  • In the Study Protocol Name pie chart, a user has selected one field value nucleic acid extraction. The number 3 on the selected pie slice means that three investigations are associated with the Study Protocol Name field value of nucleic acid extraction. 
  • In the Study Assay Measurement Type pie chart, all investigations use the same value of nucleotide sequencing.
  • In the Study Assay Technology Type pie chart, two investigations have a value of transcription profiling and one investigation has a value of genome sequencing

(Click the following image to expand it.)

Browse Investigations page with values selected in one pie chart.

The fields in the Investigations list match the pie chart selections. The list includes only those three investigations that have a Study Protocol Name field value of nucleic acid extraction. Details for each investigation in the list includes the same fields represented by the pie charts: Study Protocol Name, Study Assay Technology Type, and Study Assay Measurement Type, plus the study name, description, and public release date. The list also shows additional data about each investigation, such as the other keywords used in the Study Protocol Name field. You can return to the default (full) list at anytime by selecting Investigations > Browse.

You can control various aspects of the list:

  • To control how many investigations appear in the list, select a value from the Max Display box. 
  • To change how the list is sorted, select a value from the Sort By box. 

If you add or remove fields from the pie charts, as described in Adding and Removing Fields, the Investigations list fields immediately reflect the same changes.

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