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  • Production Functional release:
    • Changes visible to the user:
      • Can now add specific case directly to cart from the case view. 
      • Gender was changed to Sex in the model and on the UI. 
      • Bugs were fixed regarding the manifest.
    • Google Analytics was added so that we can start gathering usage data.
    • Security updates were performed
    • Added new feature where we can easily update the static pages using GitHub and no longer need to perform a full release to have them seen on Prod.
  • Data release progress: 3 full studies, new data model released to QA yesterday.  Manifest sent to DCF for indexing in parallel.  Met with SBG and they will begin incorporating the new data in August, but with incorporating the model changes we may not see it until end of September.
  • Working on a major functional release to display the samples in the new data and many other changes that were dependent upon the data release.  Plan to have this ready and tested for August 26, National Dog Day.
  • OCPL is supposed to provide link back bar code (not until August)
  • Erika to talk about Communications team.