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  • Beyers, Matthew (NIH/NCI) [C]

  • Anju, Christina, Dawn, Shaying, Toby, Heather, Jeff, Philip, Erika, Elaine, Allison

  • Regrets: Amy, Paula
  • Missing: Cheryl, Debbie

Discussion items


Genomics group: Dawn has no progress to report.  Will and Heather had been working on a dockerized system.  The team will get together, including Shaying. Heather has goal of end of this week for dockerized solution.  Commented that Elaine had nice paper in a "Cell" journal about clock based variants (reference link requested).

Imaging Working Group (Paula/Amy) Goals: The overarching objective of this WG is to provide the comparative cancer research community with guidelines and best practices for the collection, formatting and reporting of imaging data collected from canine companion animals with naturally-occurring cancers into the Integrated Canine Data Commons (ICDC). This is to facilitate the utilization and analysis of such data by stakeholders in the cancer research community to facilitate dog-to-human translational research and advancement of knowledge in the comparative space.

Discussed state of current data and communications plan.  Matt to resend request for goals for Genomics, Clin/Path, Immunology

Action items

  • Matt to resend request for goals for Genomics, Clin/Path, Immunology