- Matthew Breen
- Kim, Erika (NIH/NCI) [E]
- Musk, Philip (NIH/NCI) [C]
- Gregory Tawa
- Roel Verhaak
- Unknown User (dearry)
- William Hendricks
- Review, discuss and prioritize ICDC study submission proposals
Previous Action items
- Musk, Philip (NIH/NCI) [C] to check in through email to determine if the next meeting time works for August 2nd and August 16th
Discussion items
Item | Who | Notes |
New UBC study | Musk, Philip (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Data Release Dashboard | Kuffel, Gina (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Study Updates |
| |
Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) | Kuffel, Gina (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Minutes (Not Verbatim)
PM- OSA02 name will change. Tissues don't have pathology assignments. For the OSA01 study, for cell line, there is no indication of what type of cells are in the cell line. Instead of not applicable, we should call it a normal osteoclast cell line.
PM- Not always a financial constraint, but mostly a time constraint. Reimbursement for data submissions couldn't hurt. The type of people that want to submit data may not be further influenced by financial support.
RV- For some groups it may make a difference.
PM- We actually don't rely on data submitters to do any mapping. We only require them to provide a dictionary of the fields they are using. Researchers have done the work and published the paper, they have new studies ongoing, this is book keeping homework and it's a matter of researchers making the time.
MB- Maybe we need a way to address the broader NCI so that canine data being generated is compliant with ICDC. Grants should include intentions to submit to ICDC.
GT- How close are we to some type of a template?
PM- We are working towards having a comprehensive data dictionary inclusive of guidance.
PM- Adhoc questions for Matthew and Greg
GT- For publication of NCATS data, it has been provisionally accepted pending changes due Aug. 11th.
PM- We now have a separate tab in the study page that can display publications on the production environment. When is the blood analysis data coming?
GT- Blood analysis and proteomic data is completed (at least the math) for the NCATS study, we will not release the data to ICDC until we have a draft, this will happen near the end of September.
PM- The new publications tab applies to Roel as well.
PM- We now support cross-study matching which will emphasize the relation of dogs that are in both
GT- As we get more datasets entered into the system, we will have a gene by sample matrix, is it best to normalize all of the data together to generate an expression matrix? This will enable broad transcriptomic analysis.
Action items
- Greg to submit publication metadata to Phil.
- Musk, Philip (NIH/NCI) [C]to reach out to Roel to communicate metadata fields needed for existing publication
- Kuffel, Gina (NIH/NCI) [C]to put RNA-Seq broad normalization on the agenda for next time.