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Sprint Dates



Sprint Goals

  • Bento contributions
  • Data validation and ingestion
  • Fix GraphiQL
  • Complete testing on COTC022
  • Continue to eliminate Clinical Data bugs
  • Update and synchronize the file manifest created by the Interop microservice for export and the file manifest created by the frontend for download

Sprint Issue Types Could not parse json from Jira

Completed in Sprint Could not parse json from Jira

Sprint Schedule

DateScrum CeremonyPurpose


Sprint KickoffInitiate new sprint


Sprint Pre-planning Review tasks targeted for next sprint and identify clarifications needed, apply initial story point estimations and initial projected assignees


Sprint PlanningReview prioritized tasks, assert assigned stories, assert final story point estimations, review story points by assignee


Sprint Review & RetrospectiveDemo work completed, discuss what went well and what can be improved

Software Release Information

DateBuild TypeFront-End VersionBack-End VersionFile System VersionInterop Version


Internal FE Beta Release4.0.1.28314.8.1.1582.3.1.791.0.0.111


Internal FE Beta Release4.0.1.28414.8.1.1582.3.1.791.0.0.111


Internal FE Beta Release4.0.1.28514.8.1.1582.3.1.791.0.0.111


Internal BE Beta Release4.0.1.28514.8.1.1592.3.1.791.0.0.111


Internal Interop Beta Release4.0.1.28514.8.1.1592.3.1.791.0.0.114


Internal Interop Version4.0.1.28514.8.1.1592.3.1.791.0.0.115

Sprint Retrospective

Sprint 12 Retrospective

  • No labels