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ICDC Team 


Liked (smile) 

  • List anything that went well in this sprint including shout out to others that went out of their way to help (add your name after your comment)
  • Flexibility from the QA team to shift modify release timelines (Kuffel, Gina (NIH/NCI) [C])
  • Enjoyed the design challenge of modeling the new design of the DMNavigator. Big thanks to Phil for approaching some of the design recommendations with fresh eyes, especially when the ideas were half-baked, and as always for catching areas that improve user experience (Stogsdill, Hannah (NIH/NCI) [C] )

Disliked (sad)

  • List anything that we could have done better in this sprint (add your name after your comment)
  •  Very complex bugs related to Elasticsearch (Kuffel, Gina (NIH/NCI) [C])
  • Need a way to improve engagement at sprint pre-planning and sprint planning meetings (Kuffel, Gina (NIH/NCI) [C])
  • Deprecated dependencies and older version of dependencies impact on app performance  (Rana, Ambar (NIH/NCI) [C] )
  • Confusion around new builds being available versus them being on our DEV and/or QA environments. Adding to the confusion is the fact that FE, BE and Files Service versions are displayed in such a tiny font (Musk, Philip (NIH/NCI) [C])

