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ICDC Team 


Something our team did well is... (smile) 

  • List anything that went well in this sprint including shout out to others that went out of their way to help (add your name after your comment)
  • Really like Figma as the medium via which we iterate new UI designs. Being able to place comments right on the parts of the designs around which there's still some iteration to do saves us a lot of time, and produces better results. (Musk, Philip (NIH/NCI) [C])
  • Really liking where our new Clinical Data tab and its associated raw data exports are headed. The new functionality will render the wealth of clinical data that is coming ICDC's way from the PRECINCT studies visible to users, and grant them direct access to it. This is really important clinical trial data would otherwise be invisible to and inaccessible by end users. (Musk, Philip (NIH/NCI) [C])    
  • The new designs and the work put in by Phil, Hannah, Eric, and Toyo to enhance the Study Details page will provide a lot of business value (Kuffel, Gina (NIH/NCI) [C] )
  • (In regards to my "improvement" comment) Although there were delays with data loading - there was a quick turnaround. (Lewis, Megan (NIH/NCI) [C] )

Something that I think we need to improve for next time is... (sad)

  • List anything that we could have done better in this sprint (add your name after your comment)
  • Disliked pretty much everything about the on-boarding of the UC01 study that occurred during the past sprint, everything except our prompt, efficient and successful processing of its files once we had access to them alongside an accurate File Transfer Manifest. As is typical, when we're supplied with the data we need in the correct format, and we get the required to it, the ICDC team immediately executes on what we need to get done. (Musk, Philip (NIH/NCI) [C])
  • Delays in working with data submitters and navigating NCI Service Now tickets with the CloudOne Team is unpredictable and beyond the team's control (Kuffel, Gina (NIH/NCI) [C] )
  • Uploading object files to AWS buckets using the AWS CLI is painfully slow (Kuffel, Gina (NIH/NCI) [C] )
  • This wasn't necessarily anyone's fault, but the delay in data loading added delays in testing certain tickets (Lewis, Megan (NIH/NCI) [C] )

Something I learned about during this sprint is...(lightbulb)

  • (add your name after your comment)
  • to download study files and use the data-loader to upload to S3 bucket. (Miller, Eric (NIH/NCI) [C])
  • ...the Cypher query language and how to write more performant queries. I learned the basics when I first started, but feel like I have a better understanding of it after querying data for Phil and spending some time looking at the ICDC data model to see the relationships between all of the nodes. (Miller, Eric (NIH/NCI) [C])
  • Became mildly proficient in the use of Figma in terms of viewing new UI designs and commenting on them directly within the application. (Musk, Philip (NIH/NCI) [C]
  • This sprint I got to really dive in and act as a data submitter to fetch metadata and object files using some linux utilities and then populate our node-based data loading templates (Kuffel, Gina (NIH/NCI) [C] )
  • More about consuming a graphQl API on the frontend. (Udosen, Toyo (NIH/NCI) [C] )


  • Better catalog/documentation of system changes, ie. a DevOps log
  • Always reschedule standup meetings