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Assigned to


1ICDCData Collection: Acquire C3D-derived data from the COTC010 and COTC018 studyKevin Burns


2ICDCData Loading: Using Pentaho-based transformations, transform C3D-derived enrollment, Physical Exam, Vital Signs, Extend of Disease, Course initiation, Prior surgery data from the COTC010 & COTC018 studyKevin Burns


3ICDCCreate Study, Arm and Cohort records for COTC010 & COTC018 study.Kevin Burns


4ICDCLoad case-centric data from the COTC010 & COTC018 studyKevin BurnsPartial
5ICDCCreate graphQL query API to retrieve programs, studies, studies details, cases, case details,aliquotes, number of samples, number of files, study code, name and number of breeds, name and number of diagnosis, and name and number of gendersYizhen ChenYes
6ICDCImplement first integration between backend and front end to consume graphQL query API.Yizhen Chen


7ICDCReview and determine constraints around NCATS-related data fieldsPhilip MuskYes
8ICDCImpose constraints upon NCATS-related fields within ICDC Case, Enrollment, Demographic, Diagnosis, and SamplesPhilip MuskYes
9ICDCImpose constraints upon properties within Program and StudyPhilip MuskYes
10ICDCImplement Data Loader prototypeMing YingYes
11ICDCReplicate Sandbox CI/CD pipeline to Dev EnvironmentVincent DonkorYes
12ICDCImplement theme changer, dashboard stats bar and studies view using graphQL APIAjay DoddapaneniYes. Testing is to be done in sprint 6
13ICDCImplement K9 site data discalimerAjay DoddapaneniYes. Testing is to be done in sprint 6

Mapping all properties to BRIDG entities

Philip MuskPartial. To be continued in sprint 6

Retrospective Results

What went well

We were able to modify the transforms into a NEO4J compliant load, which will also help with consistency moving forwardKevin
Teamwork between Phil, Claire, Ming, and I was awesome. We all worked great togetherKevin
Team collaboration for data collection, and data loading went well (Kevin, Ming, Claire, Phil)Phil, Ming
Overall sprint progress was impressiveTodd
Front end and back end integration to display studies went wellDimitry, Ajay
Use of Agile board during stand up meetings helped focusing on ticket progressAjay, Afag, Ann
Transition from one environment to another environment (Sandbox to Dev) was smooth.Vincent
GraphQL API integration went wellYizen
Team spirit was very high, liked using the Agile board for scrum stand ups to go over the progress of tickets.Siva
GraphQL testing went wellAfag
Team interaction and communication went wellAnn, Amit

What could have gone better?

Claire, Phil, and I talked about the points on tickets. Some tickets we concluded might need to get a higher point totalKevin
Improve UI logistics to improve productivityDimitry
Collaboration and communication with Cloud 1 team is slow and needs improvementVincent
Allocate more QA timeYe
Communication regarding data, schema changes, loading and availability of data could be improvedAmit


MVP Sprint 5

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

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