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Please be advised that NCI Wiki will be undergoing maintenance Monday, July 22nd between 1700 ET and 1800 ET and will be unavailable during this period.
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PentahoBI framework
Neo4jNative graph DB
Neo4j visualizationTools to view the graphDB
SciGraphStores ontologies in a native graph backend
Kettle (Pentaho)ETL tool
Neptune (AWS)Native graph db
KNIMEWorkflow engine for data science

CWLCommon Workflow LanguageCommon Workflow Language User Guide
TinkerPop (Apache)Open graph computing framework
Tidy DataConceptual framework for arranging dataThe actual paper by Hadley Wickham
Elastic Search (Elastic)"Document" database
PypherPython Library to write Code in Cypher
WDLWorkflow Description Language (Broad)
CromwellWDL runner
RabixCWL Runner
GA4GH Cloud WorkstreamDOS, WES, TES, TRS
ToilCWL/WDL runner and WES implementation
FHIR (Fast Health Interoperability Resources)Framework for intersystem communication of health information
NextflowWorkflow approach using traditional programming languages

Model MapperMaps from one model to another using scripting.

DICOM viewer

Online Image viewer
DICOM serverOrthanc
DICOM viewerOHIF viewer
NBIA installation package National Biomedical Imaging ArchiveNational Biomedical Imaging Archive - NBIA#NBIA-NBIAInstallationFilesandReleaseNotes
NCI Imaging community call Call for imaging communityNCI Imaging and Informatics Community Webinar
De-identification info @ TCIAde-identification notes

UCSC Genome BrowserGenome browserUCSC Genome Browser
Genomics at scaleGenomics platform implemented in Apache SparkData Bricks Delta
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