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LexEVS deployment
  • Data is on QA
    • New loader uses latest OWL2 API.  Some OWL terminologies might be affected.

LexEVS loader on DataQA
  • Barracuda configured on DataQA
  • Metathesaurus dropped Monday 5-6
  • Need to move lexevs loader over. Copy from Dev or is there a new package?
    • Use 6.5.2.Final package

Docker LexEVS?
They have ability to support us to use Docker on Dev to Prod. Tracy T said she was fine with it. Working with Cuong to sort this out. There is a Shady Grove EVS Dev docker server d939-v.  Would connect with Jenkins to deploy everything.  Would be server component only - would not include the indexes in the container and maybe not the data.

  • Data copy working?
  • AWS is focused on cost.  Currently Dev is at half of what we requested and is shut down at 6pm each night.
    • Reactive architecture - boost during heavy loads? Software would need to be able to take advantage.
    • Heavy duty queries might be better on physical blade.
    • Should have complete buy in on one option or the other.
    • Newest servers only around since 2017.
  • Next steps?
    • RestAPI QA, Stage, Prod
      • Not approved for all tiers by government. 
      • Need to consider Stardog licensing.  We have 5 dev, 1 prod license.
        • Need to set up SPARQL endpoint if we move Stardog over to AWS
      • UMLS MySQL database - move that to AWS?
      • Stardog left current location in house but EVSRestAPI on AWS.
        • Needs testing
    • Server migration for rest of stack - based on Glenn Zaiderman's email of April 16.

Anything to discuss?  Loader working- need Tree extension testing. 6.5.3

Stardog Stage
Still down.  Looks like Stardog environment is corrupt - possible error in 6x deployment.  Wipe and redeploy is TS suggestion

Action items

  • Work on Stage Stardog issues
  • Test AWS Rest API vs in-house Stardog
  • Deploy 6.5.2 loader on DataQA
  • Continue working on Docker