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Discussion items

AWS and Stardog
  • Meeting Monday with Gilberto. SI going with systems hosted triplestore - likely Virtuoso.
  • Gilberto says sparql-evs endpoint will not need to be maintained
  • Gilberto asked for d174 to be maintained

QA database

The QA database was finally refreshed successfully over the weekend.

LexEVS test VM

Met with Systems about test VM. Starting test will be a version of QA.

performance testing lower in priority than addressing QA issues from F2F


Some scalability issues found in Mapping of Snomed-ICD10

Metadata repository to replace caDSR. New SI will interact with caDSR/MDR and will use a new triplestore

lexevs 64 shutdown

Firewall waiver . - agreed to shutdown

Machine shutdown - has been turned off for over a month

Database shutdown - may have been shut down as well.

  • p1302
  • p1307

contract extension
BRIDG contract signed a week ago. Kumar might know status of local subcontracts. Possibility of month gap in September for Mayo

Action items
