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Please be advised that NCI Wiki will be undergoing maintenance Monday, July 22nd between 1700 ET and 1800 ET and will be unavailable during this period.
Please ensure all work is saved before said time.

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Discussion items


Java 17
  • Migration to Java 17
    • Followup Jan 19
    • Learned OS and Tomcat due for upgrade as well
      • We want no responsibility for this - we are agnostic
      • Too many managers and not enough techs involved
    • Java 17 installed on Dev
      • jconsole not fully supported by Corretta
    • Still need Tomcat updated
      • Can we update ejb ourselves

Email/Contact Us

The ramp up of spam has increased.

  • There wasn't a resolution about dropping the contact us form
  • the additional step may not be productive.
  • Form may not be used
  • CON: the browsers have been fragile. Adding the SPAM VERIFICATION will only complicate issue.
  • CON: how to work between devs will not be straightforward, easy.
  • CON: Scott does not have bandwidth to build Verification filter.
  • can drop the Contact Us form?  The page would exist but the form portion would be gone. 
  • Benson, Mark (NIH/NCI) [C] approach: Mark will reach out to Lori with Jason about proposal to drop it.

Production NCI Terms
  • Still multiple issues on Prod
    • Scott creating Jira issues as items identified
    • Possibly check email archives for previous logs
    • Latest tag is on QA and no show-stoppers seen
  • J console up and running on Dev
    • Additional libraries needed to be added to Corretta
    • Testing can start now - stress testing using Selenium
    • Still trying to replicate the messages coming in from Prod
    • Possibly people walking the hierarchy - Hierarchy pages seeing lots of traffic

System migration
  • Initial "Conversions".
  • DataQA after Prod
    • database on machine - migrate first?
    • Test performance of old loaders vs new database.
    • Other apps follow DB - determine if needs to be co-located
    • Does script need to be updated?


ehcache issues on Meta, similar to what we have seen previously on NCI Terms 

Question: is there a debugging or logging ticket for PROD? 

  • There is an open question of where the logging would be turned off.
  • Scott believes it is a flag somewhere. He has tried tons of approaches but has not been able to figure out where controlled. Scott will write ticket for debugging.
  • Scott tried Kim's approach, suggestions but was not fruitful.

Both tags on QA have passed. Will update once deployment happens.

Jason put in ticket to have `lbpatch.jar` on STAGE, but Systems could not find that jar.

TODO: file a ticket to look for the lbpatch.jar  on PROD.

  • Scott to examine

SumoLogic to DataDog
  • Queries being migrated by Systems
    • EVSExplore connector installed - dashboard started
    • Sharepoint project created to track progress and tasks
  • Dialogs being built from scratch
  • Mark, please invite Jason to Sharepoint

EVS Prod is down (during mtg).

EVS Prod is down (during mtg).

  • maybe Apache is being restarted?
  • Ticket: restart application (Eric Gavua), "Yes, it did go down. I have restarted the service"
  • request to get htop and du -hs { } metrics on PROD
  • p805 log, there are 2 restarts, 9:19am, and back to working is around 10:10am. (the 40 min is due to caching)
  • no caching info are seen in logs; no evidence that it is coming back up (caching) seen in logs.
  • it is failing immediately.
  • The "maintenance" page appears with the full url, but hostname doesn't show this...
  • It may be an issue of lack of server resources (CPU, Memory, disk space, swap); the index building on other server is much less.

Action items
