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National Cancer Institute Center for Bioinformatics
Product LexEVS 5.1 Release Notes
December 18 2009

Product Changes

Fixed Since Last Release - Bugs

21567 - ResourceManager cache not Thread-safe
21923 - Connection Leak on SQLImplementedMethods 'mapToCodingSchemeName'
22355 - LexGrid XML exporter not writing correctly if there are two Enitities with the same code but different namespace
22743 - Unable to resolve GO and CTCAE hierarchy roots.
23278 - CodedNodeGraph restrictToAssociations fails with Qualifier containing null value
23359 - Supported Attributes missing from 5.1 NCI Thesaurus 09.08e
23456 - Loaded MedDRA - unable to see Code System Details
23755 - Semantic_Type Property not being loaded by Meta Loader
23761 - Delay advancing a ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator in Distributred mode
23858 - Duplicate results returned on CodedNodeSet resolve
24148 - PathToRoot over-protecting for looping hierarchy paths

Feature Requests

21716 - Add data from MRSAT file to NCI Meta data
21717 - MRSAB conifgured to load for NCI Meta data
21718 - MRREL data for NCi Meta - needs more data loaded
21719 - Load MRRANK data for NCI Meta
21721 - Add some additional data from MRHIER
21722 - Make sure MRDOC data for NCI Meta is loaded
21723 - Add more data from MRDEF file for NCI Meta
21724 - Add data from MRCONSO file to NCI Meta data
21849 - Add an algorithm for supporting case-insensitive substring search.
21850 - Add a search algorithm for supporting case-insensitive substring search with an additional spelling-error tolerant feature.
21879 - Improve error messages (e.g., CNS.resolve, CNS.resolveToList, CNG.resolveToList)
21881 - Improve ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator performance by reducing client-server network traffic in distributed mode.
21882 - LexEVS 5.1 Value Domain Support
21976 - Improve LexEVS Loading Framework
21980 - Optimize Lucene code to improve search performance
21982 - Implement a server side sort to improve performance
22006 - General SQL optimization
22565 - Add special character search
22893 - Add asserted relations into the transitive table
23053 - Load TUI as a Property in UMLS loader
23071 - Allow multiple CUI Properties per UMLS Entity

Important Remaining Issues / Limitations

  • Value Domain (CTS 2 Value Set) support in the 5.1 release is not fully implemented and is offered as a capability that developers of LexEVS dependent applications and services can use to familiarize themselves with value domains in a non-production setting. Production use of Value Domain fuctionality should be delayed until the release of the 6.0 build of LexEVS.
  • LexBIGServiceConvenienceMethods in the 5.1 release are not all adapted for use in distributed mode and should not be attempted to be used distributed. These include getHierarchyOrphanedConcepts(), getHierarchyLevelNextCount(), getHierarchyLevelPrevCount(), addEntityLuceneIndexes(), removeEntityLuceneIndexes(), modifyEntityLuceneIndexes().

Deferred/Deprecated Items


19406 - Results not Deserializing Properly when using QueryModifiers on CQL Queries
20590 - Not all concept status property values are accessible through the API.
20653 - Anonymous class hierarchy with unions not showing up correctly.
20661 - Ontology for Genetic Interval hierarchy does not match up Protege
20665 - ECG Ontology missing Description, Date, Source and Creator fields
20684 - Can not compute root node for OBI version v1.0.1423
20797 - Strict Owl Processing
23770 - OBI.owl loading - missing property "has curation status" for concepts
23806 - OBI.owl loading - Incorrect infromation as value to the property "imported from"
24967 - Null-Pointer Exception Thrown when no value-Domain content loaded.

Feature Requests

21720 - Load all MRMAP data
22877 - MedDRA loading into LexEVS
22887 - BDA Certification
23324 - Option to include or exclude anonymous concepts.
23598 - REST API Features
23611 - LexEVS Value Domain Support to include persistance of resolved value domain content
23643 - Java 1.6

CORE Product Dependencies

Refer to the CORE Product Dependency Matrix for the caCORE SDK and other software technologies on which this release of this product relies.

Release History



LexEVS 5.1

18 Dec 2009

LexEVS 5.0

12 May 2009

LexEVS 4.2.1

30 January 2009

LexEVS 4.2

05 November 2008

EVS API 4.1.1

08 August 2008


27 June 2008


07 November 2007

caCORE 3.2

22 December 2006

caCORE 3.1

27 March 2006


12 December 2006


18 October 2005


30 August 2005

caCORE 3.0.1

22 July 2005

caCORE 3.0

31 March 2005

caCORE 2.1

28 May 2004

caCORE 2.0.1

19 December 2003

caCORE 2.0

31 October 2003

caCORE 1.2

13 June 2003

caCORE 1.1

07 February 2003

caCORE 1.0

29 August 2002

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