NIH | National Cancer Institute | NCI Wiki  


Wright, Larry NIH/NCI  x
Fragoso, Gilberto NIH/NCI    x

De Coronado, Sherri    


Safran, Tracy

Ong, Kim L
Lucas, Jason R
Bauer, Scott  Mayox
Stancl, Craig
Endle,  CoryMayox
Wynne, Robert    NIH/NCIx
Brem, Larry  NIH/NCI [C]  NA
Pan, JJ
Tran, Tin    NIH/NCI [C] x
Ahmed, Shamim
NIH/NC [C]  
Haber, Margaret (NIH/NCI) 
Roth, Laura (NIH/NLM)  
Ramani, Vivek (NIH/NCI) [C]  
Carlsen, Brian (NIH/NCI) [C] 
Wong, Joanne   

Kuntipuram, Kumar



Action Items

 #AssignedDescriptionDate IdentifiedDue DateDate CompletedStatus
64ScottTo follow up on URI's on OWL2 with Harold.   on hold
134ScottCreate a JIRA item to track the need to remove Struts   done
135JJFollow up on security scan to find out what kind found the Struts issue   open
136ScottPoint the CTS2 API page to Stage (wiki)   open
137ScottSet up a time to meet about Value Set Versions   done
138ScottTo note Grid Service retirement in 6 months   done
139KumarTo do an analysis of the Project plan for budgeting purposes.   open
140ScottUpdate struts jar to 2.3.16   

in progress

141JasonUpdate or Create a DRT to insure JSP page is not exposed on Production   done
142ScottUpdate the wiki page to point to the lexevs/lexevs issues   done
143ScottAsk Harold if he can stop into the next LexEVS meeting briefly   done
144ScottCreate an issue around the forward slash in search extension   done
145ScottScott to look at the indexes on DATA QA   done
146KimJIRA item for value set searches failing through distributed API   


147ScottSend Java version to Tin   done
148CraigProvide Estimates to Kumar on Struts implmentation   done
149ScottContact Jacob about X11 access on DEV   open
150ScottDocument URI Resolver more thoroughly   open
151ScottJIRA Item to move master to lexevs/lexevs   open


Immediate Priorities and Problems (Mayo Team)

Craig Project Plan Updates

  • Update the plan to include Struts work for both 6.0 and 6.1.
  • Include deployment of 6.1.1 and 6.0.?
  • Attempt to get waiver for appscan
  • Discussed struts work and deployment and the number of hours for deployment.

Scott:  Struts update, Mapping Index and other issues, Value Set Modules

  • Scott working on remaining Junits for the Struts update (6.1)
  • Struts update is on Dev - appscan could be run now.  Jason will make the request.   Possibly use this report and won't need to run on QA. 
  • There is a map search issue when searching (distributed).  Kim to create JIRA iteam.
  • Will continue to work on the value set modules on once Struts work is complete.   
  • Value Sets - Resolved Value Sets - Formal name (Jira ??) is in the current build. 
  • Do all jUnits need to be 100% clean, 508? and scans up the tiers?   
  • Can 6.0 users migrate to 6.1?  Larry suggested it should work this way, but not sure what this all affects.
  • Scott is currently using Java 1.6.0_65.  
  • Scott to send version of Java to NCI team.
  • Struts update is on NCI Dev now.  Jason will request an app scan on it.
  • Mapping Issue - issue with some client code.  Issue went away when Tracy went to a local API.
  • Issue on searching with maps in distributed.
  • JIRA issue to be created by Kim.
  • VS Module work - still working on.
  • Resolved VS fix on formal name works (JIRA item)

Cory:  CTS2 Client UI

  • Able to resolve value set entries in the client.
  • Starting to work on the 1.0 service (NLM) utilizing the existing transforms. 
  • Common way to retrieve VS entries
    Researching libraries to to XML and XSLT transformatio
caDSR and Value Set and other URIs

Harold, Gilberto and others to discuss:

Denise is interested in publishing caDSR content - she has been asked about the identifirers in caDSR are globally unique.   Denise is wondering what format these IDs should be used.  Particularly interested in hash vs slash.   Publishing from caDSR and accessing Value Sets in LexEVS.

 Harold provided a brief overview.  We will provide a copy of the slides.

Will use Harold's information as a starting point.

Use case:

A valid URI should return an HTTP status of 200 (Ok), when pinged.
Could provide links to let user look at further NCI or CTS2 information

Ideally, there would be a DNS entry ( - however, not confident that id would be supported.

Best approach would be to continue to include to discuss during the weekly calls.  

Tech Stack Notes

Revisit Java 1.8 update

  • Decision to be made in May 2014 regarding 1.8. 
  • If can push the 1.7 update, then that would give time to determine availability of 1.8 at NCI.
  • However, Scott suggests that we do start update to 1.7 sooner than later.  
  • Anticipated 1.8 issues - there are differences in Java that cause compiler issues.  (Tracy)
  • Agreed that we will move to 1.7.
Continuing Development through next fiscal year (Larry)

Kumar  to deliver a project plan analyses.

  • Need to have Struts added to the plan. 
  • Craig will do this and provide to Kumar as soon as possible.
Struts Security Update (Jason)

Status (see above)

6.1 Deployment

Issues with CTS2

  • Scott can return to this issues once complete with Struts.  
  • May need assistance from systems team to get access to logs.  (contact Jacob)  
Max clause count issue.

 Nci to report on follow up 

  • Strategy was to increase max count and verify if would work or not.  Tracy to make the request.  Highest tested was 800k.  Scott to check with Kevin on what effect this max will have on memory/resources.  
  • Scott to look into breaking up the indexes. 
  • This issue is against the API directly.   Breaking up the index may not not help in this case.   

NCI to report on follow up    

  •  There was a problem going directly against the API.
  •  Look at this again when we evaluate Lucene
  • lbConfig.prop to be updated to 800,000  NCI/Tracy to put in a ticket to do this.      
    Scott to discuss with Kevin what type of memory increase this may be or other issues it may cause
Discuss search issues around forward slash / in contains search

JIRA item done discuss priority

  • This is against the search extension.
  • Scott created Jira item
  •  Consider this as part of the Lucene evaluation. 
  • JIRA item done discuss priority 
  • Issue with the contains search. 
  • Issue with the search extension.
  • This is after the VS module work.  And during the Lucene investigation.        
  •   Scott to look at the analyzers for this. 
Mapping Index issues

Discuss Stack Trace and report on updating of browser code

  • see above
URI Resolver Documentation
  • included as part of installation.
  • Scott can provide text to describe what the URI resolver is and how it is installed as part of the CTS2 LexEVS Service.
  • When updating Data, what needs to be restarted?  (Tracy)  Scott to document this.    
  • The lexevs/lexevs was going to be location for issues
  • Continued development would be in lexevs/lexevs
  • At release time, code would be from lexevs/lexevs into NCIP channel
  • NCIP will fork from lexevs/lexevs.  (Need a JIRA Item for this)




JIRA Issues

LEXEVS-570 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-572 - Getting issue details... STATUS
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Project Plan Changes

#DescriptionDue DateResourcesNotesRisksMitigation

 Planned Activities

Area of InterestDetails
VSMC definitionNeed a dialog defining module use around ResolvedValueSets
Update LexEVS CTS2 Service to CTS2 1.1Need deployment tests
Work on a variety of EVS JIRA PrioritiesScripting, convenience methods, tree extension namespace issues

Risks, Issues, Dependencies


Opened DateDue DateDescriptionLikelihood (H, M, L)ImpactAssignedStatusMitigation Strategy


 #Opened DateDescriptionImpactAssignedStatus


Opened DateDescriptionAssigned





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