NIH | National Cancer Institute | NCI Wiki  


Wright, Larry NIH/NCI  x
Fragoso, Gilberto NIH/NCI    x

De Coronado, Sherri    


Safran, Tracy

Ong, Kim L
Lucas, Jason R
Bauer, Scott  Mayox
Stancl, Craig
Endle,  CoryMayox
Wynne, Robert    NIH/NCIx
Brem, Larry  NIH/NCI [C]   
Pan, JJ
Tran, Tin    NIH/NCI [C] x
Ahmed, Shamim
NIH/NC [C]  
Haber, Margaret (NIH/NCI) 
Roth, Laura (NIH/NLM)  
Ramani, Vivek (NIH/NCI) [C]  
Carlsen, Brian (NIH/NCI) [C] 
Wong, Joanne  x

Kuntipuram, Kumar



Action Items

 #AssignedDescriptionDate IdentifiedDue DateDate CompletedStatus
64ScottTo follow up on URI's on OWL2 with Harold.   on hold
72ScottAdd release date to Release notes when appropriate   open
100ScottCheck into source code, namespace application for code queries, javadoc availability for tree extension etc   on hold
106CraigConfirm and arrange meeting time for MedDRA review   open
117GilbertoCheck on the status of the Java 1.7 requirement   open
119GilbertoCheck on the use of NIH ListServe for forum activity   open
120SherryCheck with Ann Wiley about the policy for forums   open
121ScottCheck windows version of Tomcat for Kim   done
122ScottInvestigate Loader server permissions issue   done
123ScottFinish Landing Pages   open
124CraigCoordinate meeting with Harold possibly Kevin around the implementation of value sets in the context of the VSMC   open
125ScottUpdate JSON documentation to indicate preliminary implementation of JSON standard present in 6.1 CTS2 Service for Lexevs   open
126Sherry, GilbertoLook into HUBzero forum for LexEVS issues   open


Priorities for the Extension (Scott, Craig)

VSMC, CTS2 Services, CTS2 Framework, discussion and other priorities as time allows.  Continuing discussion from last week.  What an implementer needs to look at.  What are you going to expose.  REST connectivity helps define client platform.  VSMC concerns exist around ability to pull value sets from LexEVS CTS2 in the same manner.  Profiles are a factor in providing common module sets to implement in order for different services to be interoperable with one another.  Cooperative effort with NCBO and NLM would be appropriate.  Need to justify expansion by showing examples.  FDA Structured Product Labeling:  some come from NCI others from NLM, NDFRT.  Switch from one source to another seamlessly.  What would it take to define the NLM versions.  Value Sets are just pulling code and term.  FDA want's own term to be represented.  CDISC has it's own terms.  Some suggestion that we move forward with the framework update, but given the transformations it is not required.


6.1 QA and Deployment (Tin, Jason, Scott)Status:  
Forums and user support (Gilberto and Sherry)Status:  
Code coverage reports and QA JUnit documentation  (Tracy)   




JIRA Issues

LEXEVS-570 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-572 - Getting issue details... STATUS
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LEXEVS-609 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Project Plan Changes

#DescriptionDue DateResourcesNotesRisksMitigation

 Planned Activities

Area of InterestDetails
VSMC definitionNeed a dialog defining module use around ResolvedValueSets
Update LexEVS CTS2 Service to CTS2 1.1Need deployment tests
Work on a variety of EVS JIRA PrioritiesScripting, convenience methods, tree extension namespace issues

Risks, Issues, Dependencies


Opened DateDue DateDescriptionLikelihood (H, M, L)ImpactAssignedStatusMitigation Strategy


 #Opened DateDescriptionImpactAssignedStatus


Opened DateDescriptionAssigned





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