NIH | National Cancer Institute | NCI Wiki  


Wright, Larry NIH/NCI  x
Fragoso, Gilberto NIH/NCI     

De Coronado, Sherri    


Safran, Tracy

Ong, Kim L
Lucas, Jason R
Bauer, Scott  Mayox
Stancl, Craig
Endle,  CoryMayox
Wynne, Robert    NIH/NCIx
Pan, JJ
Tran, Tin    NIH/NCI [C] x
Ahmed, Shamim
NIH/NC [C]  
Haber, Margaret (NIH/NCI) 
Roth, Laura (NIH/NLM)  
Ramani, Vivek (NIH/NCI) [C]  
Carlsen, Brian (NIH/NCI) [C] 
Wong, Joanne  x

Kuntipuram, Kumar



Action Items

 #AssignedDescriptionDate IdentifiedDue DateDate CompletedStatus
64ScottTo follow up on URI's on OWL2 with Harold.   on hold
136ScottPoint the CTS2 API page to PROD (wiki) - originally planned on Stage, but now planning on PROD.   open
139KumarTo do an analysis of the Project plan for budgeting purposes.   open
140ScottUpdate struts jar to 2.3.16   

in progress

149ScottContact Jacob about X11 access on DEV   done
150ScottDocument URI Resolver more thoroughly   done
151ScottJIRA Item to move master to lexevs/lexevs   open
152CraigSchedule project plan/roadmap meeting.    open
153CraigSend JJ project plan and update email list for future emails.   open

Provide an email update to NCBO, NLM, and Mayo with current activities and what has been built.




Immediate Priorities and Problems (Mayo Team)

Scott:  CTS2 6.1 Service Deployment, 6.1.1 Struts update,  CTS2 Service Updates - Value Set Modules and CTS2 1.1 Based Framework

  • 6.1.1 Struts update - Scott generated testing reports and need to give those to Tin.  
  • CTS2 6.1 Service Deployment - URLS are pointing to stage.
  • 1.1 Based Framework - updates based on code review and issues identified (search and value set coding scheme and version).  
  • UI and CTS2 deployment - planning to get configured over the next week.   Testing distributed mode for CTS2 services.  
  • There will be documentation/code sample changes for the 1.1 based CTS2 framework services.  

Cory:  CTS2 Client UI, Informatics Deployment

  • NLM services (1.0 based)  and transforming to the 1.1 based client.   This is complete.   Next need to incorporate the NLM authentication.
  • Search has been included in the client to allow users to search on value set names. 
  • Informatics configuration is planned and hope to have deployed in next week or 2. 

Craig: Project Plan Updates

  • Add JJ to the project plan list
  • Schedule meeting with Sherri, Larry, Kumar, JJ to discuss project plan and roadmap. 
  • Tech Stack and associated dependencies.  Identified by JUnits once components are upgraded.  
caDSR and Value Set and other URIs (Weekly Status)
  • No updates this week.
Continuing Development through next fiscal year (Kumar)
  • Will provide more details during planning meeting.  
Max clause count issue (update)
  •  Scott checked with Kevin about the proposal for Tracy to change to 800K.  Kevin said this is defaulting to 1000 in Lucene - anything above that is undefined.   No idea how things will perform.  Tracy did test on Data QA by incrementing 100k at a time.  
  • Tracy will continue to evaluate - better than having it fail for the user. 
  • Scott could evaluate as well, but this is lower priority for now.  NCI will evaluate now. 
NCI, NLM, NCBO and Mayo Planning (Monthly Meetings, Face to Face)
  • Provide an email update with current activities and what has been built.   (Larry)
  • No interest in monthly (at this time).
  • Face to Face could be discussed.  (June/July or September)
Struts 6.0 Update
  • Not an immediate task.  Users should be able to move from LexEVS 6.0 to LexEVS 6.1.  If LexEVS 6.0 were to get shut down, then this could come back as a higher priority. 
URI Resolver Documentation  
UMLS Mapping Files
  • Tracy cannot get that to load - Mappings.   Tracy to send Scott the details and he can take a look. 
FDA Codes (REST service)
  • ISO Country and Region codes in Meta and retrievable via advanced search.  Need to figure out how to make available to FDA users - possible REST call that would pull out content and return via a REST call.   Would use CTS2 LexEVS services to pull this content.   Can currently can do an advanced search.  
  • If created as a Value Set, then possible to use CTS2 resolved value set services.   
  • NCI will continue to look at this.  Can provide weekly updates.




JIRA Issues

LEXEVS-570 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-573 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-579 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-586 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-594 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-597 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-598 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-599 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-605 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-606 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-607 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-608 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-609 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-612 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-613 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-615 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-616 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-617 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-618 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-619 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-620 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-621 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-622 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVS-623 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVSCTS2-2 - Getting issue details... STATUS
LEXEVSCTS2-3 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Project Plan Changes

#DescriptionDue DateResourcesNotesRisksMitigation

 Planned Activities

Area of InterestDetails
VSMC definitionNeed a dialog defining module use around ResolvedValueSets
Update LexEVS CTS2 Service to CTS2 1.1Need deployment tests
Work on a variety of EVS JIRA PrioritiesScripting, convenience methods, tree extension namespace issues

Risks, Issues, Dependencies


Opened DateDue DateDescriptionLikelihood (H, M, L)ImpactAssignedStatusMitigation Strategy


 #Opened DateDescriptionImpactAssignedStatus


Opened DateDescriptionAssigned





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