Name | Role | Present |
Wright, Larry | NIH/NCI | x |
Fragoso, Gilberto | NIH/NCI | x |
De Coronado, Sherri | NIH/NCI | |
Safran, Tracy | NIH/NCI | x |
Ong, Kim L | IS | x |
Lucas, Jason R | IS | x |
Bauer, Scott | Mayo | x |
Stancl, Craig | Mayo | x |
Endle, Cory | Mayo | |
Wynne, Robert | NIH/NCI | |
Tran, Tin | NIH/NCI [C] | x |
Carlsen, Brian | (NIH/NCI) [C] | |
Wong, Joanne | ||
Kuntipuram, Kumar | x |
Action Items
# | Assigned | Description | Date Identified | Due Date | Date Completed | Status |
293 | Jason | Check into Mayo being designated a trusted site | 2015.06.03 | open |
Scott |
Cory |
Craig |
Sprint Status | Current Sprint - Sprint 10 (August 06, 2015 - August 19, 2015) LexEVS S13-500 Agile Development - Sprint Status#SprintStatus-Sprint10 |
Sprint Planning | LexEVS 6.4 Agile Development - Sprint Status Sprint 11 Planning
Issue Prioritization Recent LexEVS Related Bugs and Features (within last week)
Recent CTS2 Service Related Issues (within last week)
Issue Grooming Prioritize JIRA issues (fix version 6.4)
UNICODE Annex #29 Load for C1855
| May need to determine an algorithm/analyzer to handle the removal of special chars (punctuation). Standard analyzer is performing better than expected. Whitespace junit tests are functioning fine with the Lucene testing framework. String Analyzer - slight differences - removes capitalization, special chars (ie. exclamation points) It was suggested that both cases (include/remove special chars) be supported. Implementation is fine as it now stands. Need to consider an extension for single char searches. |
Metadata Index handling
| Scott verified what was working and not working. Successfully implemented removal of metatdata - to be used in the GUI. Tracy would like to have command line removal - not high priority. Tracy would like metadata removed when coding scheme is removed. This should be version specific. |
Namespace loading issue investigation | Latest representation of OBI needs to be reviewed by Gilberto. More time needed to evaluate. NPO issue was not replicated. HL7 issue - referred to the notes about the loader. There are no namespaces (JIRA should be created specifically for this issue). RIM vs MIF loader discussion - not sure when MIF can be used to start loading HL7. Currently, Tracy indicated they are still using the RIM loader. There was never a full evaluation of the MIF loader by Gilberto to determine if can be used in production. NCI to evaluate and decide if MIF can be used. |
VPN and network evaluation
| No updates. |
External Requests
| Nothing this week. |
HTTPS - Applications Migrating to HTTPS: Place Holder
| By end of 2016, all applications will need to be using HTTPS. Mayo team to create JIRA items for backlog. May need to spend some time evaluating as part of 6.4 development. |
caDSR update - Larry | caDSR curation tool - failed AppScan. Can still deploy, but behind NCI firewall. |
JIRA Issues
Recent LexEVS Related Bugs and Features (within last week)
Recent CTS2 Service Related Issues (within last week)
6.4 LexEVS Related Issues
6.4 CTS2 Service Related Issues
Project Plan Changes
# | Description | Due Date | Resources | Notes | Risks | Mitigation |
None | ||||||
Planned Activities
Area of Interest | Details |
Risks, Issues, Dependencies
# | Opened Date | Due Date | Description | Likelihood (H, M, L) | Impact | Assigned | Status | Mitigation Strategy |
# | Opened Date | Description | Impact | Assigned | Status |
Opened Date | Description | Assigned |
Action Item Backlog
# | Assigned | Description | Date Identified | Due Date | Date Completed | Status |
64 | Scott | To follow up on URI's on OWL2 with Harold. | on hold | |||
164 | Cory | Cory to add implementation to CTS2 implementations page. | 2014.04.30 | on hold | ||
197 | Scott | Do a gap analysis on what the URI_Resolver logs and what NCI would like to know from these logs | 2014.6.18 | on hold | ||
200 | Larry/Sherry | Query current LexEVS users about use of SOAP, REST or QBE services in the legacy caCORE api's | 2014.6.18 | on hold | ||
207 | Cory | Write issue against CTS2 OMG regarding the ability to return INACTIVE concepts only. | 2014.07.30 | on hold | ||
210 | Larry/Gilberto | Determine if there is a need to meet with the CTRP | 2014.07.30 | on hold | ||
212 | Larry | Include LexGrid XML Export as part of the 5.1 retirement notice. | 2014.07.30 | on hold | ||
224 | Scott | URI Resolver - Provide overview of how to access the URI Resolver | 2014.09.03 | on hold | ||
225 | Scott | URI Resolver - Look at TLAMP and VSAC service to determine usage of URI Resolver | 2014.09.03 | on hold | ||
244 | Craig | Plan meeting with Tracy to discuss collaborative LexEVS development process | 2014.12.03 | on hold | ||
281 | Scott | Try to replicate what CTRP did to break our service (retrieve a tree through CTS2). | 2015.03.25 | on hold | ||
282 | Mayo Team | Look into implementing graph node in CTS2 for the path to root method (and path to leaf). | 2015.03.25 | on hold |