NIH | National Cancer Institute | NCI Wiki  


Wright, Larry NIH/NCI  x
Fragoso, Gilberto NIH/NCI    x

De Coronado, Sherri    


Safran, Tracy

Ong, Kim L
Lucas, Jason R
Bauer, Scott  Mayox
Stancl, Craig
Endle,  CoryMayox
Sharma, DeepakMayox
Wynne, Robert    NIH/NCI [C]x
Tran, Tin    NIH/NCI [C] x
Carlsen, Brian NIH/NCI [C]x
Wong, Joanne NIH/NCI [C] 

Kuntipuram, Kumar


Action Items

AssignedDescriptionDate IdentifiedDue DateDate CompletedStatus

Close issue 

  LEXEVS-1516 - Getting issue details... STATUS

2016.02.092016.04.10 Open

Create JIRA issue to update CTS2 service to use Apache Commons Collections Version 3.2.1 (security issue)

  • Created issue: LEXEVS-2181 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Create JIRA issue to remove caCore legacy code

  • Created issue: LEXEVS-1464 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  • Sprint 35
  • LexEVS 6.5 planning
  • On going Support
  • Sprint 35
  • LexEVS 6.5 planning
  • On going Support
  • Sprint 35
  • LexEVS 6.5 planning
  • Sprint 35
  • LexEVS 6.5 planning
  • Agile Admin


LexEVS External Users

Sprint Status


Current Sprint  Sprint 35 (July 21, 2016 – August 3, 2016)

LexEVS S13-500 Agile Development - Sprint Status#SprintStatus-Sprint35

Tracy is working on Data deployment to DEV and QA

The indexes were created on DEV.  These indexes will need to be propagated to QA.  Tracy will be doing this move.

We closed out Sprint 35.

Tasks associated to the 6.4 release have been closed.

We will create a build that has the OWL2 loader changes.  This will be done in the next sprint

QA Tier Status

  • NCI-RITM0031271: New container on QA for the LexEVS 6.4 Remote API
  • NCI-RITM0031282: CTS2 AHP on QA
  • AppScan

LexEVS Remote API and LexEVS service (CTS2) have been deployed to QA.

Larry approved the test plan.

Tin will start the testing on QA. 

Next, the AppScan will be submitted.

LexEVS using HTTPs - Update

  • LexEVS - no impact
  • CTS2 - no impact / configuration
  • Remote API - changes needed
  • URI Resolver - no impact / configuration

Remote API - the client will need to change based on SSL changes.

Because the Remote  API client will need to change, we decided to not update LexEVS 6.3.  Instead, we will add the HTTPs  ability to LexEVS 6.4 and not LexEVS 6.3.

TODO: Cory will need to add a warning message that Remote clients will need to use SSL.  This should be added the notes about how to upgrade from LexEVS 6.4 to LexEVS 6.4.


Java 8 and Spring 4 update - not needed

We have found that the current versions of Java 8 and our current Spring 2.x are building and testing with one issue with CTS2.  Deepak will investigate further.

Deepak is using Java 8.92 in the Docker system test scripts.

LexEVS is running Spring 2.x.  At some point this should be updated to Spring 4.

Larry suggested the Mayo team should investigate the quickest path to getting the Remote API set up for HTTPs.

Tracy suggested that we have an HTTPs fix by the end of August.  The Mayo team will investigate to see if this is possible.

At this point we will not upgrade to Spring 4.

Priority for upgrades (in this order): HTTPs, CentOS 7, Java 8.

LexEVS 6.4.0 testing will continue and will be pushed up the tiers.

We will put the HTTPs changes only into LexEVS 6.4.1.  No Java upgrade.

Jacob/Tracy/Sarah can be contacted for configuration on DEV

TODO: We need to get an announcement on this change to users as soon as we understand the impact and the wiki updated for this.

 Data issues on ProdThis has been discussed and there is a plan is in place.
 6.5 PlanningCraig will explain the changes in detail next week when the board is completed.

LexEVS External Users

Brian added a couple comments to the issue.

Scott will follow up with some additional suggestions.

Team Absences

Mayo Team

  • Deepak - Sept 1-6?, Sept 5
  • Cory - August 5, 12, Sept 5
  • Scott - Sept 5
  • Craig - August 24 -29, Sept 5

JIRA Issues

Recent LexEVS Related Bugs and Features (within last week)

Key Summary T Created Reporter P Status Affected Version/s Fix Version/s

Recent CTS2 Service Related Issues (within last week)

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

6.4 LexEVS Related Issues

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

6.4 CTS2 Service Related Issues

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

Project Plan Changes

#DescriptionDue DateResourcesNotesRisksMitigation

 Planned Activities

Area of InterestDetails

Risks, Issues, Dependencies


Opened DateDue DateDescriptionLikelihood (H, M, L)ImpactAssignedStatusMitigation Strategy


 #Opened DateDescriptionImpactAssignedStatus


Opened DateDescriptionAssigned


Action Item Backlog

 #AssignedDescriptionDate IdentifiedDue DateDate CompletedStatus
64ScottTo follow up on URI's on OWL2 with Harold.   on hold
164CoryCory to add implementation to CTS2 implementations page.2014.04.30  on hold
197ScottDo a gap analysis on what the URI_Resolver logs and what NCI would like to know from these logs2014.6.18  on hold
200Larry/SherryQuery current LexEVS users about use of SOAP, REST or QBE services in the legacy caCORE api's2014.6.18  on hold
207CoryWrite issue against CTS2 OMG regarding the ability to return INACTIVE concepts only.2014.07.30  on hold
210Larry/GilbertoDetermine if there is a need to meet with the CTRP2014.07.30  on hold
212LarryInclude LexGrid XML Export as part of the 5.1 retirement notice. 2014.07.30  

on hold

224ScottURI Resolver - Provide overview of how to access the URI Resolver2014.09.03  

on hold

225ScottURI Resolver - Look at TLAMP and VSAC service to determine usage of URI Resolver2014.09.03  on hold
244CraigPlan meeting with Tracy to discuss collaborative LexEVS development process2014.12.03  on hold
281ScottTry to replicate what CTRP did to break our service (retrieve a tree through CTS2).2015.03.25  on hold
282Mayo TeamLook into implementing graph node in CTS2 for the path to root method (and path to leaf).2015.03.25  on hold




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