NIH | National Cancer Institute | NCI Wiki  


Please be advised that NCI Wiki will be undergoing maintenance Monday, July 22nd between 1700 ET and 1800 ET and will be unavailable during this period.
Please ensure all work is saved before said time.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the CBIIT Atlassian Management Team.


Remennik, LyubovNIH/NCIx

De Coronado, Sherri    


Safran, Tracy

Ong, Kim L
Lucas, Jason R
Bauer, Scott  Mayox
Stancl, Craig
Endle,  CoryMayox
Wynne, Robert    NIH/NCI [C]x

Kuntipuram, Kumar

Mensah, JacobNIH/NCI [C]x
Trong, TracyNIH/NCI [C]
Kondareddy, SwathiNIH/NCI [C]
Kisler, BronNIH/NCI [C]

Action Items

AssignedDescriptionDate IdentifiedDue DateDate CompletedStatus


EVS Weekly Tech Meeting (Systems focus)

Discussion Points:

  • Systems related topics:
    • LexEVS
      • Data Dev - upgrade DB to Barracuda
        • Jacob will follow up with Yahia for a status.
    • Browser/Tools
    • Data
    • Systems
    • Triple Store/EVS API

Decision Points:

Roll Call

Sprint Status

Current Sprint -  Sprint 94 (October 25, 2018 – November 7, 2018)

16X237 Agile Development - Sprint Status#16X237AgileDevelopment-SprintStatus-Sprint94

Planned Activities

  • Review Security issues
  • Data Dev performance testing
  • EVS Service and Architecture Group

Anticipated Releases

  • Release 6.5.2
  • Release
LexEVS Wiki Updates

Discussion Points:

  • Tracy has done some LexEVS wiki reorganization at the top level.
  • We suggested that the "community code contribution" could probable be archived.
  • Tracy will continue working on updating the wiki pages.
  • A quick start page was originally suggested for the NCIt access.

Decision Points:

  • Lyuba suggested that we can provide additional feedback at the next meeting.
EVS Service and Architecture Group

Discussion Points:

Decision Points:


Discussion Points:

Decision Points:

LexEVS Security Issue

Discussion Points:

  • Reviewed issues
  • Prototyped fixes in branches for CTS2, URI Resolver, LexEVS Service
  • Created partial updates to LexEVS to gauge the scope of spring updates in LEXEVS-4192
  • Alternately removed project with pom file LEXEVS-4199
  • Waiting for Kumar to set up a meeting with security, systems, and development teams
  • Kumar mentioned that there has been turn over in the security division and it will take time to get everyone together.
  • Jacob suggested that we could update/fix our security issues and then they can perform an appscan and nexus scan to see what ports are open and any other security users.
  • Tracy mentioned that the remote client users (caDSR) would need to update their client jars if/when we do security upgrades.
  • Jacob mentioned in the past, the security team considered issues fixed only when the spring version was upgraded to a version that fixes the vulnerability.

Decision Points:

  • Jacob will look into what was last done by Phil before he left.
  • The LexEVS team will work on security issues and request an appscan and nexus scan on the services.
  • Has CTS migrated off from 6.4?  Kumar will ask Tony.  If they have, the 6.4 service will be retired.
Value Set deployment issues

Discussion Points:

  • We need to meet with NCI development team to discuss how to move more quickly on diagnoses and fixes.

Decision Points:

  • Scott will come up with a workflow plan on how to diagnose these issues in the future. 
    • Provide a task list of things to look at before considering this is a coding issue.
Power outage

Discussion Points:

  • December 8 power outage.
  • We will need to test our services when the power is back on (December 9/10).
  • This testing will be done by NCI.

Decision Points:

LexEVS External Users

Discussion Points:

Decision Points:

Team Absences

Mayo Team

  • Cory - 11/9
  • Scott - 11/5, 11/6 (PM), 11/7 (AM)
  • Craig - 11/2 - 11/8


  • Tracy -
  • Rob - 
  • Kim -

JIRA Issues

Recent LexEVS Related Bugs and Features (within last week)

Key Summary T Created Reporter P Status Affected Version/s Fix Version/s

Recent CTS2 Service Related Issues (within last week)

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

6.5 LexEVS Related Issues

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

6.5 CTS2 Service Related Issues

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

Project Plan Changes

#DescriptionDue DateResourcesNotesRisksMitigation


 Planned Activities

Area of InterestDetails

Risks, Issues, Dependencies


Opened DateDue DateDescriptionLikelihood (H, M, L)ImpactAssignedStatusMitigation Strategy


 #Opened DateDescriptionImpactAssignedStatus


Opened DateDescriptionAssigned


Action Item Backlog

 #AssignedDescriptionDate IdentifiedDue DateDate CompletedStatus

  • No labels