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LexEVS Data Services to be discontinued.

The caCORE type REST queries will be discontinued with the LexEVS 6.5 release.  The CTS2 will replace the previous REST services.  Please replace your old queries with the listed examples.

Get CodingScheme details


If a version is not included then LexEVS will look for a version tagged as "PRODUCTION". If no such coding scheme exists then an error will be returned.

Coding Scheme Details 6.4
Coding Scheme Details CTS2



Note that you could also add a version to a URL targeting a specific load in LexEVS. The following example shows the form to target the November_24_2016 version of the Zebrafish terminology.

Versioned Coding Scheme Details 6.4
Versioned Coding Scheme Details CTS2


The information can also be returned as JSON.

Versioned Coding Scheme Details as JSON

The GetHTML function is not supported in CTS2

Coding Scheme Details 6.4 GetHTML


Get Concept by Code

Get Concept by Code 6.4[@_entityCode=C33999]&codingSchemeName=NCI_Thesaurus
Get Concept by Code CTS2

Get Concept by Code with wildcard  -  Not supported

Searching by code with wildcard is not supported in CTS2[@_entityCode=ZFA:000123*]&codingSchemeName=Zebrafish


Search for Concept by EntityDescription - Not fully supported

The old DataServices performed a strict exact match.  This query will return only one result.  It also specifies to only search the EntityDescription.

Search for Concept by Entity Description 6.4,org.LexGrid.commonTypes.EntityDescription&org.LexGrid.commonTypes.EntityDescription[@_content=Heart]&codingSchemeName=NCI_Thesaurus

CTS2 does a tokenized exact match.  A concept where any one token is an exact match will be included in the result set.  As a result, this returns multiple concepts.  In addition, CTS2 does not support specifying what value to search, so looks at all presentation properties, not just the EntityDescription.

Search for Concept CTS2

Search for Concept with wildcard,org.LexGrid.commonTypes.EntityDescription&org.LexGrid.commonTypes.EntityDescription[@_content=He*rt*]&codingSchemeName=NCI_Thesaurus

In CTS2 the match algorithm must be specified as luceneQuery in order to use wildcards.*rt

Search for Concept by Presentation - Not fully supported

Search for Concept by Presentation - 6.4,Presentation,Text&Text[@_content=heart]&codingSchemeName=Zebrafish

CTS2 by default searches all presentation properties, so this use case is coincidentally supported.  However CTS2 does not allow the user to specifically choose what is searched. 

Search for Concept CTS2

Search for Concept by Presentation with wildcard - Not fully supported,Presentation,Text&Text\[@_content=heart*\]&codingSchemeName=Zebrafish,Presentation,Text&Text[@_content=heart*]&codingSchemeName=Zebrafish

As above, the user cannot specify that only Presentation properties should be searched, but this is the default.*rt

Get Concept by Definition with wildcard - Not supported,Definition,Text&Text[@_content=Bilateral%20groups%20of%20cells*]&codingSchemeName=Zebrafish

Show Presentations of a Concept  - Not fully supported[@_entityCode=ZFA:0001234]&roleName=_presentationList&codingSchemeName=Zebrafish

CTS2 does not permit the user to specify what properties should be returned by a search. The Presentations will be returned within the body of results from an entity query.

Show Definitions of a Concept - Not fully supported[@_entityCode=ZFA:0001234]&roleName=_definitionList&codingSchemeName=Zebrafish

CTS2 does not permit the user to specify what properties should be returned by a search.  The Definition will be returned within the body of results from an entity query.

Show Supported Associations for a CodingScheme - Not supported

CTS2 does allow the retrieval of specific associations attached to a given concept or coding scheme but does not support the listing of all supported associations


caCORE to LexEVS XML Mapping

The results from CTS2 are formatted in the LexEVS model which varies somewhat from the caCORE model. This mapping spreadsheet was created to allow users to update their parsers to use the new format.