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Literal Contains Implementation Details

Works the same as contains but uses the literal property value enabling searches on special characters.


The Literal Contains search has the following characteristics:

  • This search is case in-sensitive. 
  • It searches on the literal property.  
  • A trailing wild card is added to each token in the search text.
  • The literal property part (without the wild cards) of the query is boosted by 50.  This gives a literal match priority.
  • Parsing is done with the following analyzer:

    • literal_propertyValue - Uses our custom literal analyzer.  This literal analyzer uses Lucene's WhitespaceTokenizer with Lucene's LowerCaseFilter.


Example of use:

The following examples are based on the Automobiles coding scheme.

Example 1:

Search string: a^s

Lucene query: +literal_propertyValue:a^s* literal_propertyValue:a\^s^50.0

Result: 1 result

  • entity code: SpecialCharactersConcept
  • entity description: Concept containing special characters

Example 2:

Search string: a^s sp*cial co{nce]pt

Lucene query: +(+literal_propertyValue:a^s* +literal_propertyValue:sp*cial* +literal_propertyValue:co{nce]pt*) ((+literal_propertyValue:a\^s +literal_propertyValue:sp\*cial +literal_propertyValue:co\{nce\]pt)^50.0)

Result: 1 result

  • entity code: SpecialCharactersConcept
  • entity description: Concept containing special characters

Associated JUnits:

Junit tests can be found here:



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