Regular Expression Implementation Details
The regular expression search searches against lower cased text. Additionally, this searches against the entire string as a single token, rather than the tokenized string.
The Regular Expression search has the following characteristics:
- This search searches only lower cased text.
- It searches on the untokenized lower cased property value.
- Analyzers are not applied to the expression. However, the expression is lower cased (this is an explicit step done outside of Lucene by LexEVS code).
Example of use:
The following examples are based on the Automobiles coding scheme.
Example 1:
Search string: automobi.*
Lucene query: untokenizedLCPropertyValue:automobi.*
Result: 1 result
- entity code: A0001
- entity description: Automobile
Example 2:
Search string: .*utomobile
Lucene query: untokenizedLCPropertyValue:.*utomobile
Result: 1 result
- entity code: A0001
- entity description: Automobile
Associated JUnits:
Junits can be found here: