//Instantiate the resolved value set service with default parameters allowing the NCIt self asserting value sets to be accessed LexEVSResolvedValueSetService service = new LexEVSResolvedValueSetServiceImpl(new AssertedValueSetParameters.Builder().build()); //Get a list of all resolved value sets in a coding scheme representation with entities included List<CodingScheme> list = service.listAllResolvedValueSets(); //Get a list of all resolved value sets in a coding scheme representation -- no entity resolution, should be faster List<CodingScheme> schemes = service.getMinimalResolvedValueSetSchemes(); //Get a resolved value set in coding scheme form based on the uniquely identifying URI URI uri = new URI("http://evs.nci.nih.gov/valueset/TEST/C48323"); CodingScheme ref = service.getResolvedValueSetForValueSetURI(uri); //Just get the entities of that value set ResolvedConceptReferenceList refs = service.getValueSetEntitiesForURI(uri.toString()); //Get an iterator instead of a list ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator refs = service.getValueSetIteratorForURI(uri.toString()); //Get a resolved value set in coding scheme form based on a partly populated concept reference ConceptReference ref = new ConceptReference(); ref.setCode("C123434"); ref.setCodeNamespace("ncit"); ref.setCodingSchemeName("NCI Thesaurus"); List<CodingScheme> schemes = service.getResolvedValueSetsForConceptReference(ref); //Search value sets for text match //This will match both traditional resolved value sets and asserted value sets List<AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference> refs = service.getResolvedValueSetsforTextSearch("blood", MatchAlgorithm.LUCENE);