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Accomplishments this month
Completed the UI part and Middle layer part for tracking in Application. Working on to synchronized updated model with exiting application database.
Planned for next month
Synchronized new model with exiting application database.


Bi-weekly Meeting #103/01/2018
Bi-weekly Meeting #203/15/2018
Bi-weekly Meeting #303/29/2018





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Wrong information in the submission table :-The content of the tables in the submission form is shifted by one cell everywhere. Here is an example of that I observe: # FILENAME SUBMISSION DATE STATUS 1 --- 03/18/2018 16:42:35 Finished 2 --- 03/18/2018 16:43:32 Finished 3 --- 03/18/2018 16:44:13 Finished Could you please correct this issue? Thanks There was not wrong information in submission table. Communicate with user and resolved it.Closed18-March-201819-March-2018
Test data is not available :-Dear organizers, Although the test phase has been started there are only training data links on the "participate>get data" section. Thanks, Alireza MehrtashReleased test dataClosed12-March-201812-March-2018
Nodule mismatches from time 1 to time 2:-Hi, My colleague and I think we have spotted a possible error in the test data. While manually inspecting the nodules of interest in patients 2016, 2043, 2047, and 2061, we noticed the nodule at Time 2 appears to be in a very different location in the patient than in Time 1. We think the masks may be pointing to two different nodules. Although this could be our error, I thought I'd point it out just in case. Thanks. Data set issueClosed14-March-201814-March-2018
CT scan cuts off unexpectedly:-Hi, I'm not sure if this was intended, but I noticed the CT volume for patient 2016 (at Time 2) cuts off half-way through the patient. I think it may actually cut some of the nodule out of the scan too. Thanks.Data set issueClosed14-March-201814-March-2018
Should not count failed Submission:- There was a bug in script that it was counting failed submission as well. We have modified the code on ISBI, now script will not calculate the failed submission count.Modified the codeClosed15-March-201815-March-2018
CLOSED SUBMISSION March 21, 2018, midnight UTC :-Dear Organizers, The submission system is closed even though it is not still the time limit Test Phase NEW: March 12 – March 21 March 21, 2018, midnight UTC My team still has to resubmit the updated models with the data you modified. Please, open this before the aforementioned time. Extented deadlineClosed21-March-201821-March-2018
ENABLE TO SUBMIT :- I CANNOT SUBMIT MY RESULTS ; It says the session is closed despite the competition is extended till today midnight Extented deadlineClosed21-March-201821-March-2018



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