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Discussion items


  • General Updates
    • CPTAC2 BRCA Acetylome (new study), 3 compref studies
    • CPTAC2 OV Glycoproteome (new study)
    • Data release

- The new OV glyco studies share all of their samples with older OV studies but the precious PNNL Proteome and Phospho studies have additional samples. Now we are working on a solution to unify the biospecimens (cases) from the old and new studies so that the cases do not duplicate.

    • Other datasets
      • CPTAC2 BRCA Proteome (update), Phosphoproteome (update)
      • ICPC - Korea PDA cancer
      • CPTAC3 PDA
      • CPTAC2 CCRCC DIA datasets
    • PDC portal and workspace feature improvements and bug fixes
  • Data licensing and data use agreement (embargo related discussion)
      • Add emargo date to the file tab on PDC portal?
    • Combining the language between CPTAC and PDC for consistency - Erika K
    • Remove/Consolidate all data policy/Embargo date related information and present in a separate Tab
    • Provide guidance to Seven Bridges Genomics on how to handle embargo date
    • Are there any additional feature improvements needed?
  • Reorganize FAQ page on the portal
  • Policy for updates to previously released data
    • Considering a versioning scheme 
  • Display contacts on the study pages
  • CPTAC Data Portal migration, next steps  
  • Prioritization of building analytics dashboard to track user visits and data downloads 
  • Other items and External interactions
    • Sam Payne
    • Amanda Paulovich & Bin Zhang
    • API related support for ISB-CGC
    • Scientific Committee
  • Rajesh will provide release timeline to NCI for the new BRCA and OV studies by the end of the week.
  • There is a long discussion on the data licensing, data privacy and embargo date. In general it is suggested that while the licensing requirements should be least restrictive to promote innovation, it should allow  credits to the original authors.  Ana Robles, Henry R and Erika K will come up with a policy for PDC data licensing. PDC team provide further inputs as needed. The discussion also touched aspects to identifiability of proteomic data.
  •  Erika K mentioned that the clinical data updates and versioning is an evolving discussion at the CRDC and she will let the group know any developments.
  • PDC will continue to work on versioning scheme as discussed in previous calls for the non-clinical data types of updates.
  • Henry R, Ana R and/or Erika K will confirm how they want the contacts for studies to be displayed on the PDC portal. Karen K said she will send some information to team on how DCC handles them.  
  • We are also working with some of the PDC SC members to improve PDC use and integration with external resources.
  • Erika K will formally introduce the CDA team to PDC.

Action items
