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NameRoleOrganizationPresent (Y/N)
Kumar KuntipuramTPM LeidosN
Sherri De CoronadoGSCBIITY
Gilberto FragosoSME


Bob DionneSubcontract PM

Dionne Associates

Itendra SinghQA Leidos Y



  1. Classifier is correct now on both large and small versions of NCIt.  Need to log issue with weird class that uses negation and only.  Performance has approved by ~30%. 
  2. Question: Configuration – check for disjoints and redundant parents. Want to put real-time edit checks for these into the plugin, however the plugin has no access to gui resources.  Right now it is in the protégé layer, but would need to query the classifier (curator) preferences. 
  3. Gilberto said this should be in NCI Edit Tab since it is an edit check.  It would require edit tab to query the classifier preferences.
  4. Discussed how to present errors such as the negation issue.  Bob suggested a dialog to warn that “x is an error” and saying inference results may be incorrect.
  5. Bob’s vacation plans up in the air due to COVID, so he will look at the budget situation and outstanding tasks.


  1. Been occupied with EVS work and anticipates restarting automation on Monday.  Asked if new plugin will be in 3.4.0 and Bob said it would and is part of Classifier ticket.

  2. Asked for more specifics and Bob said he would flush out functionality with more tickets to make testing easier.


  1. Pointed out that the disjoint error is a “show-stopper” for a data release so can we consider the disjoint check as an absolute and not a toggle. Gilberto pointed out it would be caught by a classifier further down the line.
  2. Asked when we will be doing Dev builds and Bob said maybe next week. Gilberto said once the build is ready we can demo to Nick, and show them what it looks like with the toggles off and on.  Bob suggested maybe adding automatic assertions and Gilberto said to hold off for now until we get feedback. 


  1. Sherri mentioned Lyuba and editors are compiling issues so some tasks may be generated from that.
  2. Bob and Gilberto will meet on Monday to dig into details on current structure and will plan on a triage of tickets to work on in next release.

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