Use the Blog Posts macro to include a list of Blog posts on a wiki page. For details, refer to:
The blog post excerpts for this wiki space are shown.
This post shows how the excerpt function works in a list of blog posts created with the Blog Post macro. After 500 characters, the post appear to stop mid-sentence, and the reader can click the title to go to the original post and finish reading the entry. This function is useful when a title may not have enough information for the reader to decide whether it is valuable to read the entire post. The information shown in the list of blog posts is kept to a minimum.…
This is a new blog post, to show how the Blog Post macro works.
This post demonstrates the Blog Post macro.
Unknown User (forei)
May 03, 2012Ann (or anyone else!) - what’s the perspective on the use of blogs within Confluence? It seems they haven’t been used much on this wiki, but saw your tip here. They seem useful where you want to contribute something without editing page content but where a comment would be too brief.
Used your tip to add a link on this page. Maybe you could improve how it looks though.
Unknown User (wileyal)
Apr 13, 2011To date we have not used blog posts extensively on the NCI Wiki. However, the training team began using blog posts on April 12. On this page you can see how the team is displaying blog posts on a regular wiki page, using the blog-posts macro. If you click the link for the blog post (Apr 12 for the first one), you'll see the post itself.
Unknown User (forei)
Apr 14, 2011Thanks Ann. More generally many blogs are used for commentary - that was the kind of usage I thought might be useful.