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To see the gadgets installed on the NCI Wiki, click the help icon in the upper right of the screen and then select Available Gadgets.

To view a list of NCI Wiki pages where gadgets are in use, try searching for the Gadget macro.

For instructions on using gadgets, refer to the following Atlassian Confluence 7.3 help page:

Gadgets Exit Disclaimer logo

This page shows an example of each gadget installed on the NCI Wiki.

When a user generates a PDF of a wiki page that contains a gadget, the PDF does not display it correctly.

Activity Stream

This lists the last items added to the NCI Wiki.

Key point for accessibility: When images are added they appear in the activity stream without alt text. These images are soon replaced by new items.

Confluence Page Gadget

The content of page specified in this gadget will be refreshed in this demonstration every two hours.

Confluence QuickNav

This embeds a Confluence search box on a wiki page.

  • No labels


  1. Hey Klinger, Carolyn (NIH/NCI) [C]. The Wave tool doesn't show any errors for the Confluence QuickNav gadget on this page. Could this be a solution to the problem we have with all the other wiki search boxes? 

    1. That's good that it passes but when I run Wave on, the main search box near the header passes as well, yet the Deque tool did not pass the search box. When we have a new tool that will be one of the first things I check. In the absence of a new tool, if we can get macros to pass Wave and maybe even aXe, or one of them, we can feel good about using it on a page.