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Create content

You can easily create a link from one page to another within the same wiki: 

  1. In the destination page (the page to which you want your link to point), copy the URL of the page from the browser address bar. 
  2. In the page you want to change, click Edit
  3. At the place on the page where you want the link to appear, paste the URL. Confluence automatically converts the URL to a link with the title of the page as the link text. 
  4. Consider keeping the link text as it is, so that Confluence will automatically update the link if the page title changes. (Refer to the note below.) However, you can edit the link text, if necessary. 
  5. If necessary, edit the link address:
    1. Click the link text. A row of buttons appears.
    2. Click Edit. The Edit link dialog box appears. 
    3. Select one of the following options:
      • Select Search. Enter the page title. Select the title from the list.
      • Select Recently viewed. Select the title from the list.
    4. Click Save

Avoid using the wiki Tiny Link when linking from one page to another within the same wiki. Such a link does not show up in the list of Incoming Links for the destination page. 


If someone changes the title of the page to which you have linked, the result depends on how you specified the link text:

  • If you kept the link text provided by Confluence, then Confluence updates the link automatically. Here is an example of this type of link, as it appears in the Source Editor:

    <p>Refer to <ac:link>
        <ri:page ri:content-title="Links"/>
  • If you edited the link text, then Confluence does not update the link. Here is an example of this type of link, as it appears in the Source Editor:

    <p>Refer to <ac:link>
        <ri:page ri:content-title="Links"/>
        <ac:plain-text-link-body><![CDATA[All about Links]]></ac:plain-text-link-body>

Also refer to the following Atlassian help page: 

Links Exit Disclaimer logo

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