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To upload an attachment to a wiki page

  1. Navigate to and open the page to which you want to add an attachment.
  2. Upload the file as described in the following Atlassian help page: Exit Disclaimer logo
  3. To return to the contents of the page, click View Page.

To insert a link pointing to an attachment

  1. Navigate to and open the page in which you want to add a link. 
  2. In the page you want to change, click Edit
  3. Click the link icon. The Insert link dialog box appears. 
  4. Select Files and select the attachment. 
  5. Click Insert. A link appears, with the filename as the link text, as shown in the following example: Example_document_508_compliant.doc
  6. To display the link as a thumbnail, click the link and select Show as thumbnail. The thumbnail replaces the link text, and it is still a link, as shown in the following example: 

Also refer to the following Atlassian help page: Exit Disclaimer logo

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