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On a wiki page, to add a link that points to a single JIRA issue, you have the following options:

Create a link using markup

Enter a shortcut in the wiki markup, for example:


where TIGER is the key (frequently your project name with no spaces) and 1 is the issue number and @JIRA is the shortcut for the part of the URL that is common for all issues in a particular JIRA project.

The following, inserted in wiki markup


produces this link: TEST-3@JIRA. Click the link to see the page for the TEST-3 issue in the Demo Project (TEST) JIRA project.

Create a link by pasting

  1. In Jira, copy the URL for the issue. 
  2. In your wiki page, paste the URL. Confluence automatically converts it to a link and then to a Jira macro. 
  3. Press Ctrl+Z or click the Undo icon in the toolbar. The URL is now a link. 
  4. Consider deleting the following string from the link text, leaving behind only the issue ID.

Here is an example link produced with this pasting method: TEST-3

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