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Guest users, download collection curators, and super curators can perform the following functions. For each row in the following table, the steps begin with one (or more) of the favorites on the OneData home page. To locate rows for a particular function, use your browser page search. 

8Add items into guest user cart 
  1. Open Data Elements - View/Browse or Forms.
  2. Specify search criteria. Click Apply Filter.
  3. Select one or more items. Click Data Element Command > Add to Guest User Cart.
  4. Type a cart name. Click Add to Guest User Cart. The system saves the items in a cart by that name. (If there is no user cart with that name yet, the system creates a new cart and saves the items in that cart.)

For details, refer to Adding Items to a Cart

1Browse/view CDE 1 
  1. Open one of the following pages: 
    • To search for CDEs used by or owned by any context, open Data Elements - View/Browse.
    • To search within released CDEs that are either owned by or used by the NCI Standards Context, open NCI Standard Data Elements
    • To search within CRDC standard data elements, open CRDC Standard Data Elements.
    • To search within OMOP data elements, open OMOP Data Elements.
  2. Specify search criteria. Click Apply Filter.

For details, refer to Searching for Data Elements.

4Compare CDE 1  
  1. Open Data Elements - View/Browse.
  2. Specify search criteria. Click Apply Filter.
  3. Select some items. 
  4. Click Data Element Command > Compare CDE. The Data Element Compare page appears, comparing items row by row. 

For details, refer to Searching for Data Elements.

5Compare PV 1  for CDE 1 
  1. Open Data Elements - View/Browse.
  2. Specify search criteria. Click Apply Filter.
  3. Select some items. 
  4. Click Compare PV. The Permissible Value Comparison page appears, comparing the PVs side by side. 

For details, refer to Searching for Data Elements.

7Browse/view conceptual domainsOpen Standard Conceptual Domains. The system lists all of the released conceptual domains. For details, refer to Searching for Conceptual Domains.
6Browse/view forms
  1. Open one of the following pages: 
    • To search for forms used by or owned by any context, open Forms.
    • To search within released forms that are either owned by or used by the NCI Standards Context, open NCI Standard CRFs
  2. Click Apply Filter.  

For details, refer to Searching for Forms

3Browse/view all derived CDE 1 
  1. Open Data Elements - View/Browse.
  2. Select child filter Data Element Details.
  3. In the Derived DE field, select Yes.
  4. Click Apply Filter. The system lists all derived items.

For details, refer to Searching for Data Elements.

2Browse/view all alternate name classifications for one CDE 1 
  1. Open Data Elements - View/Browse.
  2. Specify search criteria. Click Apply Filter.
  3. Click the edit icon for the CDE you want to view. A detail page appears. 
  4. Click the Alternate Names node. The system lists the alternate name classifications. 

For details, refer to Searching for Data Elements.

2Browse/view all alternate definition classifications for one CDE 1 
  1. Open Data Elements - View/Browse.
  2. Specify search criteria. Click Apply Filter.
  3. Click the edit icon for the CDE you want to view. A detail page appears. 
  4. Click the Alternate Definitions node. The system lists the alternate definition classifications. 

For details, refer to Searching for Data Elements.

9Browse/view guest user cart
  1. Open Guest User Cart.
  2. Type in the cart name that you have created when saving items.
  3. Click Apply Filter. The system lists all items in that cart. 

For details, refer to Viewing Contents of a Cart

Download CDEs from guest user cart
  1. Open Guest User Cart.
  2. Type in the cart name that you have created when saving items.
  3. Click Apply Filter. The system lists all items in that cart. 
  4. Select one item. Click Download Cart. A dialog box appears. 
  5. Select a format:
    • Legacy Excel
    • Prior Legacy Excel
    • Legacy XML

Create a collection
  1. Open Download Collection.
  2. Select Download Collection Command > Create Collection. 
  3. Select a download format and click Next.
  4. Specify a name for your collection and click Create.

For details, refer to Creating a Download Collection.  

Add items to a collection
  1. Open Download Collection.
  2. Specify search criteria. Click Apply Filter.
  3. Click the edit icon for the collection you want to modify. 
  4. Select Download Collection Command. Then select one of the following options:
    • Add Components Using Public IDs: Specify one or more IDs. For multiple IDs, separate them with spaces. Click Add. 
    • Add Components from Cart: Select one or more items from the cart. Click Add. 

For details, refer to the following pages:

Download a collection
  1. Open Download Collection.
  2. Specify search criteria. Click Apply Filter.
  3. Click the edit icon for the collection you want to request. 
  4. Select Download Collection Command > Request Download Generation
  5. Click the collection name to refresh the panel until an icon appears next to Download File. Click that icon. 
  6. Save the file to your computer.

For details, refer to Downloading a Collection

Browse/view all standard representation termsOpen Standard Representation Terms. The system lists all representation terms that have registration status Standard. 

Browse/view CDEs by data element concept
  1. Open Browse CDEs by Data Element Concept
  2. Specify search criteria. Click Apply Filter.

Browse/view CDEs by classifications
  1. Open Browse CDEs by Classifications.
  2. (Optional) To initiate a search, click the Filter tab. Specify search criteria. Click Next
  3. To expand the CS/CSI Context hierarchy, click the plus (+) icon. 

Browse/view CDEs by protocol forms
  1. Open Browse CDEs by Protocol Forms.
  2. (Optional) To initiate a search, click the Filter tab. Specify search criteria. Click Next
  3. To expand the CS/CSI Context hierarchy, click the plus (+) icon. 

1The following table defines the abbreviations on this page:

CDEcommon data element
PVpermissible value

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