Currently planned for September 30th, 2015, NIH is sponsoring a workshop for discussion of CDEs across NIH.
Goals of the workshop
Convene the NIH community interested in Common Data Elements (CDEs) to support NIH-wide understanding of current CDE activities and opportunities.
Identify current barriers/challenges for the adoption and use of CDEs by NIH-funded researchers, both intramural and extramural.
Identify possible ways to modify development, implementation, and use of CDEs to increase adoption and value to research.
Identify incentives and opportunities for involvement of relevant communities in CDE development, harmonization, use, and re-use.
Develop evaluation plans for CDEs to test their assumed utility.
The workshop will feature CDE related Birds-of-a-Feature (BOF) sessions on topics including CDE reuse and harmonization, Big Data challenge, interoperability, operationalizing CDEs, and infrastructure and tooling. The on-site participation will be NIH ICs only, however the day includes two public sessions via webCast: the morning presentations and the late afternoon BOF report-outs and discussion.
Agenda to be published soon!
Check back, or click "watch" this page for more information about the workshop.
Workshop Organizers:
NIH OD: Unknown User (bournepe) Jennie Larkin Leslie Derr
NLM: Betsy Humphreys Jerry Sheehan Michael Huerta Lisa Lang
NCI CBIIT: Unknown User (kibbewa2) Unknown User (decorons) Unknown User (reevesd) Denise Warzel
NCATS: Elaine Collier
The Trans-NIH BioMedical Informatics Coordinating Committee (BMIC) was established in the Spring of 2007 to improve communication and coordination of issues related to clinical- and bio-informatics at NIH.
Pre-workshop Webinar
NIH Common Data Element (CDE) Initiatives - conducted Tuesday September 8, 2015, 12-1:30
Webcast recording and meeting slides
- Introduction by the ADDS - Phil Bourne
- Overview of BMIC CDE efforts - Mike Huerta
- Notes from the field – voices across NIH involved in CDEs and data standards. Multiple uses of CDEs.
- PROMIS CDEs - Ashley Wilder Smith
- NIH PhenX Overview - Erin Ramos, followed by NHLBI Sickle Cell Disease CDEs Ellen Werner
- NCI CDE overview - Dianne Reeves
- NINDS CDEs - Joanne Odenkirchen, followed by Federal Interagency Traumatic Brain Injury Research (FITBIR) BRICS informatics system - Matt McAuliffe
Pre-Workshop Materials
- NIDA Clinical Trials Network Common Data Elements (CDE) - Udi Ghitza, NIDA
- NCI caDSR Infrastructure Wiki and NCI Hosted Data Standards - Denise Warzel and Dianne Reeves, NCI CBIIT Semantic Infrastructure, caDSR Program