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When you search for administered items in OneData, keep in mind the following points:

  • CDEs follow the ISO/IEC 11179 standard, so you can search for data elements using ISO/IEC 11179-based attributes.
  • For each field, the default is all values. For example, in the Latest Version field, the default behavior returns all versions.
  • Searches are not case sensitive. Searches for Gene and gene return the same results.
  • In any editable text field, enter a search string, complete or partial. This does not apply to numeric fields such as Public ID. 
  • In any editable text field, you can use a percent sign (%) as a wildcard. For examples, refer to Using Wildcards.  
  • For some fields, you can adjust the search scope (with options such as IS NULL, IS NOT NULL, NOT LIKE, Exact Phrase Match, All Of The Words, or One Of The Words) by clicking the Advanced Filter icon. 
  • The system processes search criteria as AND statements, so the results include only items that fulfill all the criteria.
  • To reset a list of values, click the Clear Values icon next to that list. 
  • If you clear a field, or if you leave a field at its default setting, the system does not limit the search by that criterion.
  • You can specify the number of results returned: Type a number in the Number of Rows field and press <Enter>. 
  • When you remove or change search criteria, the system does not update search results until you click Apply Filter again.

To perform a search:

  1. Log in as described in Logging In. The home page appears, with objects you have specified as favorites in the Favorites panel (if any). 

    The Manage Data option on the Manage menu.

  2. From the Manage menu, select Manage Data. The Manage Data page appears. 

    The Administered Items Tool on the Manage Data page.

  3. Select Administered Items Tool. The Administered Items Tool appears. (For instructions on adding this page to your favorites, refer to Managing Your Favorites.)

    The Administered Items Tool.

  4. Specify one or more search criteria, as described in the following table:

    Item TypeSelect the type of registered administered item. 
    Latest VersionSelect one of the following options:
    • To search for the latest version of an item, select Yes.
    • To search for all versions except the latest version, select No.

    As in all fields, the default behavior returns all versions.

    Long NameType all or part of the long name for an item.
    Public IDSpecify the full numeric value for a single public ID. (You cannot use wildcards in numeric fields.)
    Short NameType all or part of the short name for an item.
    Owned BySelect one or more contexts. Owning contexts have the privilege to edit and update an item.
    Registration StatusSelect one or more registration statuses. For details, refer to Registration Status.
    Workflow StatusSelect one or more workflow statuses. For details, refer to Workflow Status.
    OriginSelect one or more sources (document, project, discipline, or model).
    Origin DescriptionType all or part of the origin description an item.
    Created BySelect the person who created an item. You can select one or more people. 
    Last Modified BySelect the person who last modified an item. You can select one or more people.
  5. In the fields that have a Select a Value icon, you can select one or more values. Click the Select a Value icon next to the field. A Reference Data Panel appears. 

    • To select one value: Click the value name. The value name appears in the field. 
    • To select one or more values: Click the checkbox for each row you want to include. Click Set Values. The field indicates how many values you have set. 
  6. For date criteria, click the Audit Columns icon and specify dates as described in the following table: 

    Date CreatedClick the calendar icon and select the date on which the item was created.
    Date Last ModifiedClick the calendar icon and select the date on which the item was last modified.

    To adjust search scope, click the Advanced Filter icon and consider the following options:

    • The list to the left of each date field allows you to search for items later than (>), earlier than (<), and/or equal to the date you specify. 

    • The list to the right of each date field allows you to specify whether the date field is NULL or NOT NULL.
    • The check box below each date field allows you to specify a date range. 
  7. You can also create your own query to search, by specifying an explicit "where" clause. Click the Advanced Filter icon. Under Filter Options, select a column and then click >>. The name of the selected column appears in the text box. Complete the query string. (For example, if your query string is "a.CURRNT_VER_IND=1" when you click Apply Filter, the system returns all items of the latest version.)
  8. If necessary, you can specify additional criteria for finding items using one of the "Child Filter" options in the lower part of the search page. The system filters for items that match details specified in the selected child filter. For details, click one of the following links:

    Multiple Public ID Search

    Enter a public ID, complete or partial.

    To specify multiple public IDs, click the Advanced Filter icon. In the adjacent field, select One of the Words. Enclose each ID in periods and separate each value with a space (for example: .5. .6. .10.). 

    Enter Search String

    Type all or part of a search string. This field searches long name, short name, and definition. (To adjust search scope, click the Advanced Filter icon.) 

    Alternate DefinitionType all or part of an alternate definition. (To adjust search scope, click the Advanced Filter icon.)
    Definition TypeSelect a definition type.
    ContextSelect one or more contexts. 
    LanguageSelect a language.
    Alternate NameAn item may have multiple alternate names in multiple contexts. Type all or part of an alternate name. (To adjust search scope, click the Advanced Filter icon.)
    Alternate Name TypeSelect an alternate name type.
    ContextSelect one or more contexts. 
    PrimarySpecify whether the associated concept is primary (Yes) or not (No).
    ConceptSelect one or more concepts. 
    Concept NameType all or part of a concept name.
    Concept CodeType all or part of a concept code.
    Integer ValueSpecify all or part of the integer value. You can specify part of the value because this field is actually a text field. For example, if you specify "20" in this field and if items exist with "120" or ">=200", the system returns those items. (To adjust search scope, click the Advanced Filter icon.)
    CS|CSISelect one or more classification schemes or classification scheme items.
    CS Long NameType all or part of the long name for a classification scheme.
    ContextSelect one or more contexts.
    Document NameType all or part of a reference document name. (To adjust search scope, click the Advanced Filter icon.)
    Document TypeSelect a document type.
    Document TextType all or part of a search string. This field searches reference document text. (To adjust search scope, click the Advanced Filter icon.)
    ContextSelect one or more contexts.
    Data Element ConceptSelect one or more data element concepts.
    DEC Public IDSpecify the full numeric value for a single data element concept public ID. (You cannot use wildcards in numeric fields.)
    DEC Long NameType all or part of the long name for a data element concept.
    DEC Short NameType all or part of the short name for a data element concept.
    Value DomainSelect one or more value domains.
    VD Public IDSpecify the full numeric value for a single value domain public ID. (You cannot use wildcards in numeric fields.)
    VD Long NameType all or part of the long name for a value domain. 
    VD Short NameType all or part of the short name for a value domain.
    Preferred Question TextType all or part of the preferred question text. (To adjust search scope, click the Advanced Filter icon.)
    Derived Data ElementSpecify whether the system derives the data element (Yes) or not (No).
    Classification SchemeSelect one or more classification schemes.
    CSISelect one or more classification scheme items.
    ConceptSelect one or more concepts.
    Source TypeSelect a concept source type. 
    Rep Term Primary ConceptSpecify whether the representation term is a primary concept (Yes) or not (No). 
    Conceptual DomainSelect one or more conceptual domains.
    Object ClassSelect one or more object classes.
    PropertySelect one or more properties.
    Conceptual DomainSelect one or more conceptual domains.
    CD Long NameType all or part of the long name for a conceptual domain.
    ModuleSelect one or more module names.
    Module NameType all or part of a module name. (To adjust search scope, click the Advanced Filter icon.)
    ProtocolSelect one or more protocols. This option is applicable only when searching for case report forms.
    Protocol DefinitionType all or part of a protocol definition.
    Protocol TypeSelect a protocol type. 
    Protocol IDType all or part of a protocol ID.  You can specify part of the value because this field is actually a text field.  (To adjust search scope, click the Advanced Filter icon.) 
    Protocol PhaseType all or part of a protocol phase. (To adjust search scope, click the Advanced Filter icon.)
    Lead OrganizationSelect one or more organizations.
    Value Domain TypeSpecify whether the value domain type is enumerated or not.
    caDSR Data TypeSelect a caDSR data type. 
    Standard Data TypeSelect a standard data type.
    VD Minimum LengthSpecify the full numeric value for the minimum length of a value domain. (You cannot use wildcards in numeric fields.)
    VD Maximum LengthSpecify the full numeric value for the maximum length of a value domain. (You cannot use wildcards in numeric fields.)
    Unit of MeasureSelect a unit of measure.
    FormatSelect a format. 
    Representation TermSelect one or more representation terms.
    Representation Term Long NameType all or part of the long name for a representation term.
    Conceptual DomainSelect one or more conceptual domains.
    Value MeaningSelect one or more value meanings.
    VM Description TextType all or part of value meaning description text. (To adjust search scope, click the Advanced Filter icon.)

  9. Click Apply Filter. The system lists all items that match your criteria. You can sort columns by clicking the column headers and selecting one of the choices: Ascending, Descending, Clear Sort, or New Sort.

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