Based on the lessons learned from the project and taking into account broader SAIF related developments, the following list presents possible next steps that can be undertaken to leverage and provide continuity of current outcomes:
- Identify high-priority use cases and perform in-depth analysis, adding links to software development artifacts according to the formalization approaches presented in this paper. In doing so, it would be valuable if analysts on the project work in collaboration with architects involved in the related caBIG projects, e.g. caEHR
- Provide additional guidance in applying the ODP Enterprise Language to SAIF/ECCF activities within NCI. In particular, this refers to:
- providing a better distinction between enterprise and computational behavior; the former reflects business context, e.g. description of community roles and collaborative structures, which can be derived from the use case analysis, while the latter is closer to the system behavior, describing computational objects providing technical services
- providing a better way of supporting governance structures for the development of interoperable solutions within NCI projects
- explaining the use of community models for developing community ontology to address some of the points raised in section 5 - Lessons Learned. Note that the role of ontologies was also discussed within the requirements elicitation team and the bottom part of Figure 2-2 depicts high level view of the ontology space and its role in the requirements roadmap.