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Interview Script - [Topic of Interview]


Follow the script instructions and record the information in the designated table cells. You may wish to make notes below the questions.



Interview Date/Time


Script / Question



Thank you for taking the time to talk to me. As you know from our email exchange. I'm working as a requirement analyst for an effort by NCI and caBIG, as we are working toward a new and improved version of the semantic infrastructure. The first step is to talk to stakeholders to get their perspective.
My understanding is that you/your organization/community has expressed an interest in using caBIG solutions in some part of their work. I am talking with you today to collect more information in order to enable us to meet this requirement.


Could you please describe what you do, or the person interacting with the system (actor) does, what business goal s/he is trying to achieve?
Make sure to get:
(1) actor from List of actors
(2) _business goal


In interacting with the caBIG infrastructure, what are your expectations of using it? Have you envisioned new ways of interacting with existing or new parts of the semantic infrastructure?
Prompt to elicit changes/new ways of using the infrastructure


Are there any business changes you are assuming we will be able to deal with?
Notes on anticipated business changes:


Are there any capabilities you are expecting to be available to support your needs?
Notes that identify capabilities, tools, and/or services expected


Do you use any of the existing software/services? If so, what do you like or dislike about it? and in particular are there any capabilities that you.organization depend on and feel should not go away?
Yes OR No/ Notes that fully describe the requirement, if related to existing capability


If this requirement is implemented, what will change in your company/daily work?
Summary of perceived benefit or negative impact, listen for "time-savings", "effort reduction", "usability", "interoperability" etc...Prompt to elicit benefits/value - will help to prioritize


If, for any reason, we were not able to create that solution, do you think there might be another way to solve this issue? Can you think of an alternative solution?
Description of any other solution that customer can envision
Prompt to elicit alternative solutions / workarounds


Would you agree that we can summarize your requirement like this? Summarize one requirement in 2-3 lines and read back to interviewee for confirmation.


How important is this requirement to the interviewee?
Concrete assessment of the relative importance for the requirements specification

  1. Must have
  2. Should have
  3. Nice to have but not essential
  4. Other (describe)


Are there other requirements that you would like to share with us? I'd be more than happy to call you back another time, or if you have more time now, please share other issues you can think of.}
Prompt to elicit any hidden - potentially higher priority requirements if they exist
(If yes, take notes to use in on a new page with this template; if time not available now, try to make appointment for another call.)


Who else should we talk to in order to elicit more information about this need and what role do they play?
Name of contact(s)
role/actor category
For specific service enhancement or requirement from Forum entry:


Can you or someone else give me a step-by-step description of how you would describe the expected performance/behavior of the software in order for you to feel that your requirement is met?
Required: Fit Criterion- will help us create test cases and user acceptance criteria


Forum Link:
VKC or other forum where this requirement is discussed


References (optional):
Links to related articles, papers or presentations

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