Get status of query process
Use Case Number |
INIT1SD2.pm7.1 |
Brief Description |
When a long-running query is submitted to a number of different federated services, it is desirable to be able to provide users with a status update on the progress of the query, including which services have completed, how much data has been returned, and (if possible) how much work is left. |
Actor(s) for this particular use case |
Cancer Researcher |
Pre-condition |
A number of services are available upon which a federated query can be performed. |
Post condition |
The user is updated with the status of the query. |
Steps to take |
Alternate Flow |
None. |
Priority |
Medium. |
Associated Links |
Fit criterion/Acceptance Criterion |
Minimally, the user should be informed on which services have completed execution of the query, which are still working on the query, and how much time has passed for each service. |
Get intermediate query results
Use Case Number |
INIT1SD2.pm7.2 |
Brief Description |
After receiving a status update that a federated query has completed on some services, the user may want to fetch and view the results from the completed sub-queries. |
Actor(s) for this particular use case |
Cancer Researcher |
Pre-condition |
A federated query has been submitted to multiple services and a subset of them have completed. |
Post condition |
The user receives intermediate data from the completed sub-queries. |
Steps to take |
Alternate Flow |
None. |
Priority |
Medium. |
Associated Links |
Fit criterion/Acceptance Criterion |
The Cancer Researcher can view intermediate results in order to determine whether to continue the processing of the federated query. |
Cancel portions of a query
Use Case Number |
INIT1SD2.pm7.3 |
Brief Description |
After reviewing intermediate results or after a federated query takes too long to complete at some number of services, the Cancer Researcher may choose to cancel the processing of the query at any number of the services. |
Actor(s) for this particular use case |
Cancer Researcher |
Pre-condition |
A federated query is running at a number of services. |
Post condition |
The selected services have canceled processing of the federated query, and data is available at all services that have completed |
Steps to take |
Alternate Flow |
The Cancer Researcher sets a time limit to set on the query, and the status update returns whether the time limit has been met and the query has been canceled (see use case below). |
Priority |
Medium. |
Associated Links |
Fit criterion/Acceptance Criterion |
Query processing is completed totally, but the status of canceled remains for some period of time (as determined by the service or the query itself). |
Interrogate a service for additional data information
Use Case Number |
INIT1SD2.pm7.4 |
Brief Description |
Before issuing a federated query, the user may want to determine which services to query based upon criteria such as how many data objects are stored within the service, etc. |
Actor(s) for this particular use case |
Cancer Researcher |
Pre-condition |
A number of services are available upon which a federated query can be performed. |
Post condition |
The user has extra information on the data stored by each service referenced by the federated query. |
Steps to take |
Alternate Flow |
None. |
Priority |
Low. |
Associated Links |
Fit criterion/Acceptance Criterion |
It is necessary that at least the number of data objects is returned, but it would also be desirable to know which data elements from the information model have associated data. |
Specify complexity of federated joins
Use Case Number |
INIT1SD2.pm7.4 |
Brief Description |
Before issuing a query, a user may want to specify constraints on it that limits its complexity in order to make sure that it completes in satisfactory time. |
Actor(s) for this particular use case |
Cancer Researcher |
Pre-condition |
A number of services are available upon which a federated query can be performed. |
Post condition |
The federated query is augmented with complexity limits |
Steps to take |
Alternate Flow |
The Cancer Researcher views the default complexity limit factors (from the query tool and from the services themselves) and modifies them if desired. |
Priority |
Medium |
Associated Links |
Fit criterion/Acceptance Criterion |
Minimally, a user must be able to determine that joins across different services remain within an organization rather than go across organizations (because there would not be common identifiers). |
Customize complexity of supported queries
Use Case Number |
INIT1SD2.pm7.5 |
Brief Description |
Some queries can be intractable or impractical to complete. When the level of complexity of these types of queries is well understood, it is important that the Software Engineer is able to configure the query processor to handle them appropriately. This includes the amount of data that can be returned, the length of time that can be spent processing a query, and the number of joins that are allowed. |
Actor(s) for this particular use case |
Software Engineer |
Pre-condition |
A service has been developed that supports queries. |
Post condition |
The service is configured to handle complex queries appropriately. |
Steps to take |
Alternate Flow |
The Software Engineer changes the configuration of a deployed service. |
Priority |
Low |
Associated Links |
Fit criterion/Acceptance Criterion |
Minimally, the number of joins and amount of data returned should be supported. |