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Creating Statistical Computing Environment in a caGrid framework

Use Case Number
The author-assigned number to refer to each specific use case. The format of this number is <SemCon Ops Initiative><analyst's initiatls><requirement number>.< <use case number>, for example Init1dbw1.1, Init1dbw1.2, Init2dbw2.1, 2.2, etc.


Brief Description

This use case captures the requirements for creating a Statistical Computing Environment in a caGrid framework.

Actor(s) for this particular use case

System Architect

The state of the system before the user interacts with it


Post condition
The state of the system after the user interacts with it

User should be able to use the statistical computing environment thus created for running the analytical services.

Steps to take
The step-by-step description of how users will interact with the system to achieve a specific business goal or function

  1. The system should be open, extensible and should have flexible architecture.
  2. Supports multiple format of data like XML, CDISC, SAS, ASCII, Excel
  3. Allows user to leverage existing SAS and other proprietary code
  4. User should be able to work stand alone or within the system.
  5. Implementation should be flexible so as to enable running of various business rules
  6. It should have the ability to archive once a study is completed.

Alternate Flow
Things which would prevent the normal flow of the use case


The priority of implementing the use case: High, Medium or Low


Associated Links
The brief user stories, each describing the user interacts with the system for the one function only of the use case. There would potentially be a number of user stories that make up the use case.

Fit criterion/Acceptance Criterion 
How would actor describe the acceptable usage scenarios for the software or service that meets the actor's requirement?

This is a non-functional requirement and therefore the creation of such an environment would be the acceptance criteria.

Creating sharable metadata

Use Case Number
The author-assigned number to refer to each specific use case. The format of this number is <SemCon Ops Initiative><analyst's initiatls><requirement number>.< <use case number>, for example Init1dbw1.1, Init1dbw1.2, Init2dbw2.1, 2.2, etc.


Brief Description

This use case describes creation of sharable metadata for analytical services

Actor(s) for this particular use case

Study manager

The state of the system before the user interacts with it

There is a set of agreed upon standards which can be used as benchmark standards for data exchange

Post condition
The state of the system after the user interacts with it

A widely accepted and lowest common minimum metadata is created

Steps to take
The step-by-step description of how users will interact with the system to achieve a specific business goal or function

  1. Establish common standards
  2. Create common macro library
  3. Standardize attributes
  4. Publish dataset documentation
  5. Establish Metadata

Alternate Flow
Things which would prevent the normal flow of the use case


The priority of implementing the use case: High, Medium or Low


Associated Links
The brief user stories, each describing the user interacts with the system for the one function only of the use case. There would potentially be a number of user stories that make up the use case.

Fit criterion/Acceptance Criterion 
How would actor describe the acceptable usage scenarios for the software or service that meets the actor's requirement? 

Metatdata for analytical services is available.

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