Time |
11:00 AM |
Date |
02/01/2010 |
Location |
telecon |
Lead: Denise Warzel
Moderator/Facilitator: Beate Mahious
Team Member |
Organization |
Denise Warzel |
Brian Davis |
3rd Millenium |
Beate Mahious |
SemanticBits |
Rick Kiefer |
Mayo Clinic |
Cindy Bandel |
Mayo Clinic |
Mohamed Keshk |
SemanticBits |
Shantanu |
Persistent |
Baris Suzek |
Georgetown |
Meeting Agenda
1. Prioritize Use Cases (40 minutes)
2. Update/Questions/Concerns from each Business Analysts (20 minutes)
Meeting Minutes
After an update from Denise Warzel about her meeting Washington D.C. we
assigned the top 4 priorities to Shantanu and Mohamed as follows:
1. caIntegrator
Anand can give a demo of this
Baris will add line item on master list with links.
inegrating different kinds of data / molecular data
Denise will set up new line items for this on master list.
The following two items are on same priority level:
1. caB2B
Init1dbw6 - contact Rakesh and Mukesh
2. Forms
Medidata Christo Andonyadis
Models and Services to extract
2 levels:
- details of data element
- contextual
We discussed getting a license for the Enterprise Architect, so that Mohamed can use the UML use case.
Action Items
Name Responsible |
Action Item |
Date Due |
Notes |
Baris Suzek |
line item for caIntegrator and links |
complete |
--- |
Rick Kiefer |
replace "Questionnaire" with item identifier "Init..." in master list |
complete |
--- |
Denise |
contact Anand to get demo on caIntegrator |
complete |
--- |
Denise |
new line item for TCGA / contact |
complete |
--- |