Time |
11:00 - 12:00 AM |
Date |
03/29/2010 |
Location |
telecon |
Lead: Denise Warzel
Moderator/Facilitator: Beate Mahious
Team Member |
Organization |
Denise Warzel |
Beate Mahious |
SemanticBits |
Rick Kiefer |
Mayo Clinic |
Patrick McConnell |
SemanticBits |
Shantanu Deshpande |
Persistent |
Meeting Agenda
1. Shantanu's Feedback of Requirement Gathering templates (Shantanu 5 minutes)
2. Review of Periodic Table ( 10 minutes)
3. Presentation of use cases (Patrick 15 minutes, Shantanu 15 minutes)
4. Continuation of categorization of Requirements (Denise 15 minutes)
Meeting Minutes
1. Shantanu's Feedback of Requirement Gathering templates
Requested changes to template:
- area for revised Requirements Statement by a second analyst along with record of their name and the date
- note to Business Analysts to keep watch on this requirement while developing use case
- field to link to use case (not optional)
2. Review of Periodic Table
Rick Kiefer developed a sample periodic table in the VKC wiki to show image-mapping. He demonstrates possibilities of putting our categories into a visual in which colored text-boxes can be linked to other pages in or outside of VKC wiki.
Patrick McConnell has developed a graphic that shows our actual categories in a color coded visual that depicts the overlapping of different categories in color fields.
Our plan is that Denise will review Patrick's visual in more detail, Rick will image map Patrick's graphic, and Denise will show this periodic table at a meeting with CBIIT management mid-week.
3. Presentation of use cases
Patrick and Shantanu presents the use cases they have been working on.
4. Continuation of categorization of Requirements
- postponed -
Action Items
Name Responsible |
Action Item |
Date Due |
Notes |
Bea |
changes to Requirement Statement template |
4/5/2010 |
done |
Denise |
review Patrick's graphic |
3/31/2010 |
done |
Shantanu |
review Patrick's graphic to see if it covers all his use cases |
3/31/2010 |
done |
Rick |
image map periodic table graphic after review |
3/31/2010 |
done |
Bea |
assign a business analyst specifically to forms |
3/30/2010 |
done |
Bea |
schedule meeting for Denise, Zoran, and Bea |
3/30/2010 |
done |