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  1. Lauch GAARDS-UI and login using shared COPPA Grid Test account
    Code Block
    titleLaunch GAARDS-UI (ant security)
    steve-matyass-macbook-pro-2:cagrid smatyas$ pwd
    steve-matyass-macbook-pro-2:caGrid smatyas$ ant security
    1. Click Login button and specify the following:
      Code Block
      titleCOPPA Grid Test Account on Training Grid
      Credential Provider: Training
      Organization: Training
      Username: coppagridtest
      Password: Coppa#12345
  2. Ensure your build-po/ and build-po/ files contain the correct values, namely the following:
    Code Block${user.home}/.cagrid/certificates/${}-cert.pem${user.home}/.cagrid/certificates/${}-key.pem${env.HOSTNAME}
    Here is what my HOSTNAME environment variable is set to:
    Code Block
    steve-matyass-macbook-pro-2:~ smatyas$ echo $HOSTNAME
    steve-matyass-macbook-pro-2:~ smatyas$ 
  3. Ensure that your GLOBUS_LOCATION environment variable is set
    Code Block
    steve-matyass-macbook-pro-2:~ smatyas$ echo $GLOBUS_LOCATION
  4. Build your local dev instances
    Code Block
    steve-matyass-macbook-pro-2:build-po smatyas$ pwd
    steve-matyass-macbook-pro-2:build-po smatyas$ ant deploy:local:install
  5. After you receive a BUILD SUCCESSFUL, you'll need to wait for all JBoss server instances to start fully.
  6. Now that the servers have stared fully, you're ready to test the secure services
    Code Block
    steve-matyass-macbook-pro-2:build-po smatyas$ cd ../po-grid/
    steve-matyass-macbook-pro-2:po-grid smatyas$ pwd
    steve-matyass-macbook-pro-2:po-grid smatyas$ ant runPersonClient
  7. Congratulations!

Adding your own Grid Identity to PO

  1. Add your Grid Identity to your local PO database. Example shows adding '/O=caBIG/OU=caGrid/OU=Training/OU=Dorian/CN=matyas' Grid Identity.

    If anyone can improve the SQL to simply insertion, please do.

    Code Block
    --adding /O=caBIG/OU=caGrid/OU=Training/OU=Dorian/CN=<YOURUSERNAME> as a grid client test user account 
    --NOTE: depending on the existing user keys you may need to adjust the user_id value 
    INSERT INTO csm_user (user_id, login_name, first_name, last_name, organization, department, title, phone_number, password, email_id, start_date, end_date, update_date) values (8,'/O=caBIG/OU=caGrid/OU=Training/OU=Dorian/CN=matyass','Steve','Matyas','','','','','','',null,null,now());
    --user_group_id must be unique, user_id must correspond to value inserted above
    INSERT INTO csm_user_group (user_group_id, user_id, group_id) Values (8, 8, 5);
  2. Reset your local dev instances