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About the CTRP Wiki

This is the wiki home page for the Clinical Trials Reporting Program (CTRP). The purpose of this site is to provide up-to-date information on the development of the applications, tools, and services supporting the CTRP program.

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About CTRP

NCI's Clinical Trials Reporting Program (CTRP) fulfills a recommendation made by the NCI Clinical Trials Working Group (CTWG) to the National Cancer Advisory Board. CTRP is designed to be a comprehensive database of regularly updated information, including accrual, on all NCI supported clinical trials. This comprehensive database of the entire NCI portfolio will help identify gaps in clinical research and duplicative studies, as well as facilitate effective clinical trial prioritization. To learn more about the history and goals of CTRP, visit the NCI's CTRP Web Page.

CTRP Web Applications

CTRP applications, hosted by NCI, are available to registered users. Refer to the instructions in Creating New NCI CTRP User Accounts to learn more about requesting a user account.

Two of these applications are designed specifically for members of the clinical research community; others are designed for use by NCI staff and contractors only. To learn more about which of the CTRP applications are applicable to you, visit NCI's CTRP Web Page.

CTRP logo


CTRP Web Services

CTRP supports several services to accommodate programmatic or system-to-system integration. For more information about the CTRP Services, refer to CTRP Web Services Guides.

Primary CTRP Web Services

Additional CTRP Services

Information about Demonstrations

The following CTRP applications are available for testing and training purposes:

  • Registration
  • Subject Accrual

If you would like a demonstration, contact

Lists and Forums


Email address or URL


CTRP USERS LIST ( subscription requests

General discussions about CTRP applications and services for CTRP users

Application Support

If you are experiencing technical issues with the CTRP web application, or if you have questions, contact us at When submitting support requests, include:

  • Your contact information, including your telephone number
  • The name of the application/tool you are using
  • The relevant URL
  • A description of the problem and steps to recreate it
  • The text of any error messages you have received

For other CTRP topics, contact the Clinical Trials Reporting Office (CTRO) at